I got mail

One day I come home from work to find this ^ at my door. Well actually it was in my house since my wife had brought it in. Anyway, if you can’t tell what it is, it’s a box from Japan. I made a purchase off ebay this was it. I’ve been waiting for these for some time now and I was very excited to open it up. Do you want to know what it is?

It’s toys!!! But not just any toys, oh no. These are Takara’s Material Force and Lady Force. Two fully poseable figures for all my drawing needs. Because that crappy wooden artists dummy isn’t worth two shits.

These two though have 30 different joints and stand around 4 inches tall each.

Here’s a shot of the back of the package. Dang that’s cool.

And look! Japanese newspapers comics. Oh man! This one’s a riot! ^_^

And Japanese ads. I don’t know what this guys selling, but that frog’s in to it.

Okay, now in to the packages. Here’s a mini ad for other Material Force figures.

Ahhh… free from cardboard solitary. They even come with extra hands to use since there is no way you could pose digits that small.

The female comes with 6 extra hands while the dude only gets 5 extra.

Now let’s have some poses of the happy couple. Wax on, wax off.

Hang on dude!

Look froward to the future young sir.

Climb that ledge!

Oh… naughty naughty figure…

She looks so innocent.

Zombie ATTACK!


He’s getting CLOSER!!

oh the drama…


So there you have it! I just wanted to share these with people since I think these are pretty dang cool. Now I should have to hunt down pose ref on the net. Hunting for that one pose but never finding one quite how you’d like so you settle for something close. Nope, not for me boy. Not with my Material Force. No sir.

13 Responses to “I got mail”

  • blak43 Says:


    these things are awesome man thats so hilarious

  • Foxyb Says:

    They are soo cool! Dont suppose you could send a link? Ive been trying to find claymation bases for ages! The proper ones are like $130 or so!
    On your forum a lil while ago there was a post about something like this, stickfits where they? Dont suppose you could give a link for that to šŸ™‚ Ah we need furry love back šŸ˜‰ This blog is awsom tho joe, gets a real insite into an artists life šŸ™‚

  • Stone Says:

    Lol those things are awesome, gotta get me some of them for my (rather crappy) artwork šŸ˜€

  • joerandel Says:

    hey Foxyb, sure just do a search on eBay for “Material Force” and you should find what you need at goreat prices. There is one style of male and 4 different style of female (well, three different bust sizes. Small, medium, large and extra large). As well, there is a Lady Force Sister series too. These ones are sized to be more of a teenage girl rather then a full adult female. If you’re in to that thing that is o_O

  • Mark Says:

    These Material Force are realy great.
    I think I will order two of these too.

  • Fait Kitsune Says:

    Dude! I’ve been looking for a decent art mannequin for ages. But this… this is more than perfect! I GOTTA get me a set of these things now. Thanks for showing these!

  • GreenRose25 Says:

    Sweet man I love these pics u should make a little comic about them doing werid things.

  • Da-Man Says:

    sweet they r so cool man i want some

  • Gijoepwns Says:

    I laughed my ass off at the crappy wooden artist link because I got one of those for kicks when leaving Ikea and wouldnt ya know it, a f’in foot falls off. I guess I have to toss in a extra buck for a good one šŸ˜›

  • Kaleb Fenoir Says:

    Dear god, I need those. I’ve been trying to find a figure-statue/maniquenne (sp?) that has JUST that level of mobility, to aid me in my own drawing.. I only have that crappy kind of ‘Ikea wood’ figure that’s practically power-stapled to its base, has limited movement, and… well.. even though it’s the ‘female’ is essentially sexless.

    Wouldn’t happen to know if they sell those in Canada at all wouldya? or how much they’d cost here? (probably best to email me any reply, eh? I seriously would like to know, so I can pick up a pair of them. It would so, so very much help…I could finally do art of my OWN for my stories.)

  • The next generation of artist dummies. | joe randel’s art dump Says:

    […] work in a pinch.ƂĀ  There are those god awful wooden artist dummies, Stikfas toys and, my favorite, Microman: Material Force figures.ƂĀ  But if you’re feeling fancy and have money to burn in your pocket… you can check out […]

  • Doris le vigoureux Says:

    may i ask you where did you buy them?
    let me know please
    thank you

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