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MMX's Gallery

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  • MMX's Gallery

    EDIT: Reposting after Crash. Uploaded Newer Pics!!

    The first is my Fursona so to speak. It is truly my main avatar only without the human aspect making him a complete "furry" yet staying true to my original art persona. Yes I have a great fondness for Cheetahs you see, and Dragons. Hence the mix of Human and Dragon and the subsequent Dragon Cheetah Mix. Anyway, enjoy and let me know what you think and again all apologies to anyone who is offended by my work.

    Next. a picture of a character from a MMORPG, you may know of it, called City of Heroes. He was my first character so of course I drew him a bunch. (And funny enough, on those boards I am known as King_Cheetah) It was done in 2004 so it is considerably old I suppose, but still good I think.
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  • #2
    =O those are really nice X i like them ALOT especially that second one =3


    • #3
      Cold heart, warm metal.

      Another post, this time something you won't find on my VCL account because it isn't anthro. It is part of the Machina Series, a branch from the Picpoem series that revolves around humanoid shapes done of wires and metal plates. Basically they are robots... but its really a play on the 'human machine' idea. Since human's are referred to as both animal's and 'machines'.

      I started this concept waaaay back in high school, only then I did it as parodies of famous paintings or sculptures. I did Leonardo's Mona Lisa, and Michelangelo's The Pieta, in this style as well as a self portrait. I often add flowing cloth in as well.. but as it has been many years later, I have forgone the use of clothes to show more texture. Like most of my picture/poems the picture was drawn first and the poem was done to fit it. Often based on an idea the picture represents or means.

      ...I like to think the picpoem series and its offshoot are the true windows into my own heart and soul. I work through and ponder most of my life through them. The Machina series is meant to be an ironic use of cold machine yet fueled with emotion.

      I’ve also got another pic that is done in my ‘serious’ style… which simply means it takes me a bit longer to draw. I will also be coloring it so you get a better idea of where I am coming from. …still haven’t decided on a female to draw yet.

      Well. Enjoy.
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      • #4
        ...Wow man. Thats really good. It's so detailed and everything i like it alot

        I cant wait to see more of your stuff it's beautiful.


        • #5
          I especially love the "hair". It just looks great.


          • #6
            D&D Picture of my first character!

            I’m trying to get into the game of D&D because I figure unlike computer games, the player base sticks around for a lot longer and you don’t need electricity or a online connection to play it. Plus it will greatly help me stay in top condition Acting wise and imagination wise to play a game that requires Role Playing and Narration! So it will greatly improve my voice acting ability with practice! At least I hope it will. Thus my first character is a Cat Folk barbarian.

            Now I tried to emulate the official D&D art designs for Catfolk, but there are just so few official references. There he may look a bit off from the normal way. Allot of it is my style as well, which I can’t help but bleed in. What I enjoyed most about this pic was the attention to detail. All the armor and clothes and items were taken directly from the D&D game, form various references in the Player Handbook as well as Race of the Wild Supplement book. I hope I got everything right!

            Also, this pic will be one in a few that details Pajaul’s, that’s his name, life as he grew and traveled. I’m excited about it and hope you all enjoy it!
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            • #7
              MMX-treme! hahah!

              Original Avatar Now colored!
              I took a great deal of time coloring this in a hyper detailed version of my style. Even so it still took a few days because of work around the house and such. Never really have time to color and draw as much as I’d like. Still, despite the delay I am happy with it’s current state (we never truly finish a piece eh?) and would love to show it to you all. Enjoy!
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              • #8

                Sketched this yesterday while thinking about posting an old story of mine. It’s the first true anthro-story I ever began writing, I’ve done allot of short stories, but I never really purposely made them into stories specifically about anthros. None the less.

                The story is basically about my previous ‘fursona’ which evolved around my playing Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3, the character has since then evolved from what he was and became his own character. As such I guess you could consider Pawl and Basheebah the first Anthro character I’ve ever created for telling a story alone.

                This is a concept sketch of Basheebah, the lioness in the story. Yes, she has corn rows. She was created way back when the whole hip-hop scene wasn’t so big, and thus she wasn’t so affected by the elements, however I like they way the style –clothes mind you, not the oppressive stereotypes directed at the degradation of women nor the glorification of uneducated violent young men-. So I’m going to upgrade her clothes to better fit the hip-hop lifestyle, while Pawl will be revamped to include a more indy/alternative lifestyle. Originally he was going to be Metal, but that’s what I am, and since he is his own character now, I think he should stick with best suits him and his skateboarding lifestyle.

                Expect images of both Pawl and Basheebah in their updated clothes. If I ever get around to it. Stupid Thesis.
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                • #9
                  I always liked the unhooked overalls look, plus the black bra an loose white shirt. …kind of strange, for some reason I kept being reminded of Mario while drawing this, even though the image in my head was from a Music video I’d seen a while back. Heh. Oh well.

                  May be colored, who knows.
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                  • #10
                    The machina is very intense.
                    The other works are good too, but the best is it.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by The Brave
                      The machina is very intense.
                      The other works are good too, but the best is it.
                      I have to agree, though I think that warrior dude could totally kick some @$$!


                      • #12
                        Thank you Brave! I’m not surprised the Machina is the most intense, it took the longest to draw out of them all and was not planned ahead like the rest of them. That kind of compliment from someone with as clean as work as yours is awesome!

                        Thanks Dreamer! There is actually a newer picture of that very character, sketched with a more flowing style to it. I’ll post him below!

                        Also because I just realized I left it out in a previous post, Thanks Zioa! Thank you Wei!

                        Oddly enough the Machina Series and it’s parent the Pic/Poem series are what I draw the most nowadays. It is simply a more efficient use of the free time I have, to be able to draw and write at the same time while expressing the emotions consuming me when the images were drawn. Everyone seems to really like the Hyper-Detailed work I do (and enjoy doing!) I wonder if it’s the new approach or if its just the detail? I dunno, I’ll post a pic/poem and see what you think! Again, thanks everyone!
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                        • #13
                          your Screaming poem is so beautiful it is how i feels i have these's feelings and i'm losing control i can scream or cry at any moment...


                          • #14
                            Been a while since I walked in the moon light.

                            Hmm. Well. Once more I share, risk. What you ask? I don't know. Safety I suppose. Not replying, not posting. Just watching in silence. It's safety. Lurking from a position of untouchable darkness. Comforting. So yes I leave my comfort zone.

                            Three pics this time. The first is a continuation of the machina series. No poem this time. Mainly because I chose these three subjects to show a contrast. All three are basically the same representation. Long haired male. The first a work of line and study in detail. The second is a Dungeons and Dragons character of mine decked out in chain mail. A pencil work to better contrast the finished color work. The color work is because I have, on whim, decided to try out for the new TJA project. Part of me is afraid to commit. Part of me could use the work and cash. Thusly. I would rather try and be rejected or do some work earn some cash, and contribute. As opposed to sitting here and wondering if I could have.

                            The third image, colored, is set apart because I tried a new 'armor' sheen on the gold. Though being from last year I have developed a way to draw chain mail better now, ye yet don't have a colored version to show this. Normal coloring method for me though. I wonder if they will send me some work to color for a test, that is what I expect, and I hope I get the colors right. I enjoy coloring. I do layers and three-four tone shades as well as highlights. All computer of course. That's the only way to get the most detail. My eyes aren't good enough to do it via pencil or inks.

                            I must say I'm not THAT happy with the DnD character. I didn't put that much work into it and the leg muscles are off. Mainly because I had to consider the way chain mail 'hangs'. I don't think I nailed it very well. And the face seems to close to me now. Distant. It lacks focus and isn't very clean. The armored boots also lack dimension to me. This was a year ago though, so naturally it'd be different if I did it again. I so rarely have time to sit down to some artwork though. Sadly. It isn't two or three hours in before my wrists hurt to much to continue. Therefore remaining parts become... rushed. Hence my dissatisfaction. Anyway, been a while since i've posted. so. In any case. Enjoy! Tell me what you think, or ask questions. Anything is fine!
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                            • #15
                              Ohes I see that you have updated your own post here, that you draw aswell. The details in the first are very cool looking, a nice contrast for highlighting the details using the invert to make the lines and backrounf inverted. Well I see you have coloured a sketch aswell. Hmm I find sketches an almighty paint to colour myself though you can really bring out some unique effects colouring over shading.

                              Are you using a mouse to colour with, this does make it even more of a pain and annoyance to use and much more difficult. I can see in your text that your compitent with the concept of layers, still it takes some practice to bring out the effects when painting stuff.

                              Id say you need to work a little better with the highlights on the picture on the blue part on the legs, they seem like too much for such a stark contrast like they should be refined more. Either not as bright or lesser

