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Mister D's thread

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  • nathrezim
    Friendly neighborhood unsolicited editor, but panel 4 of page 160:
    Originally posted by Lor
    "Hope you had fun at you're little shindig."
    "you're" should be "your" in this case.

    Also it looks like Trixie's getting into bed the correct way in panel 4 of page 161 (assuming that's her leg behind "Now, upsy-daisy."), then she somehow reverses between then and panel 5. The sheets do seem to stay the right way, so I guess someone moves her pillow?

    Nitpickery done, Lor brings up something I've been wondering about: we've only had one full day of camp so far, but Sam mentions on page 3 that camp is three weeks. Can we look forward to comics actually covering all three weeks, or should we expect time skips?

    I assume people would agree, but I'm in for the long haul if you decide to go for all three weeks. Your character writing continues to be fun and engaging, even when nonverbal (Mandy's reaction to all the nonsense going on in 161, for a very recent example).

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  • FairySlayer
    Originally posted by Mister D. View Post
    Some new stuff up: CS page, patreon request, and a commission.
    Trixie's defensiveness is cute, though I'm very glad that Lor saved her from the self-pity (and, oh yeah, crashing face-first into the floor). Along with the pretty girls putting things right I love the views, especially the middle panels that show how Lor is struggling with the floppy drunk to get her up into her bunk. Nice bit of annoyed Helga too. Lor's sweaty look of accomplishment is so good that if Trixie saw it she'd have rolled out of her bunk and right onto the blonde. Dani's cute commentary was nice, especially since Lor played it off in a good natured way.

    Thanks again for sharing.

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  • thatguywiththefaceOG
    Damn it Mr D, but I ship it. I ship it so god damn hard

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  • Mister D.
    Some new stuff up: CS page, patreon request, and a commission.
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  • Dismal Don
    I'm curious, Mister D, did you write a script for you Sherwood Camp comic? And what encourage you to draw porn after your hiatus a while ago?

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  • FairySlayer
    Originally posted by Mister D. View Post
    New pics, folks, including a new page of CS and a bunch of pinups from the requests lists. Enjoy!
    It's good that Trixie found some stimulation that isn't making her feel sick anymore. Let's just hope she's not too drunk to control herself… or that she is. Interesting either way. Great job on the sexy rich girl as Lor muffles her, especially the delighted shock in the close-up. Trixie's little thoughts were vivid enough to get me a little more charmed by the blonde. Lor's pretty face then showing an annoyed bit of confusion was pretty cute too. Great work.

    Heloise puts on a terrifically tempting show, making an eternity in the hot place seem worth it. If only she could try this direct and sexy approach on Jimmy, especially with her half-teasing, half-seductive smile.

    (Sorry, I don't know most of the others and had no time to research – but melius tarde, quam nunquam and all that. The fence once is sweet and pretty touching though.)

    Thanks for more fun and lovely stuff.

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  • HisHers
    Originally posted by Mister D. View Post
    New pics, folks, including a new page of CS and a bunch of pinups from the requests lists. Enjoy!
    CALLED IT!! I ABSOLUTELY CALLED IT!! I knew that Lor would be the one to pull her in! I love the last two panels in Trixie's POV emphasizing just how close Lor's face is to hers. It's also pretty funny how all she cares about are Lor's hand and her smell, while Lor and Danni were both freaking out over out two troublemakers. Though I get the feeling that Trixie is either going to A. lean in and try to kiss Lor in her drunken stupor. or B. lean in to kiss her but pass out drunk. Either way I'm sensing an awkward morning tomorrow and one hell of a hangover for Trixie.
    Last edited by HisHers; 05-22-2017, 12:37 AM.

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  • Mister D.
    New pics, folks, including a new page of CS and a bunch of pinups from the requests lists. Enjoy!
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    Last edited by Mister D.; 05-17-2017, 03:35 PM.

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  • FairySlayer
    Originally posted by Mister D. View Post
    New page of CS is up, plus a commission I finished recently (including variations).
    Sorry to hear that things went awry and I hope things are better (or at least as good as they can be) soon.

    You did a freakin' fantastic job on wrecked Trixie as she basically shambles her way into camp, and her internal dialogue combined with her unsteadiness and her affect are perfect. Good thing Kim was so preoccupied with gathering some intel that someone could rescue the poor little rich girl – or does the mystery person behind that yoink have some nefarious intentions? It will be fun to find out… and it's a nice reminder that there are plenty of other kick-ass young ladies around who may be able to help out with that whole supermassive tentacle underage orgy rape something-or-other that's going on.

    Lovely work on the Zelda piece and variants too. Terrifically gripping sexy action. I hope this week goes much better for you. Take care.

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  • Soundwave
    Originally posted by MacGyver View Post
    It's cool bro real life comes 1st

    now I'm wwondering why Kim wasn't affected by this sex pollen
    Trixie is going to have sex like she wanted
    I'm thinking that the pollen must have limited range

    as for Trixie.. she's gonna feel the hangover in the morning.

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  • HisHers
    Well I'm not entirely sure about how you drew trixie in this page, but it definitely shows that she's had too much to drink. Also YAY FOR COR SAVING THE DAY!!!

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  • thatguywiththefaceOG
    So not everyone was effected by the sex pollin. Interesting.

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  • MacGyver
    It's cool bro real life comes 1st

    now I'm wwondering why Kim wasn't affected by this sex pollen
    Trixie is going to have sex like she wanted

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  • Mister D.
    Heya folks. Sorry about the delay in post; some unfortunate events required a significant portion of my time/energy but I should be back on track. New page of CS is up, plus a commission I finished recently (including variations). Enjoy.
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  • antoncg
    I remember arcades too with fond memories.

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