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"Simply Scarlet"

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  • lol wtf jive! is every mom you make a milf XD!

    still she looks great, nice job.


    • I'd like to try her cookies! (Thank you Officer Barbrady for that joke.)

      Cute, provocative and a little kinky. Nice job, gringo. (Whatever gringo means... sjeesh... Google it. "Gringo means...". I mean no literal offence, though. Maybe I shoulda gone for amig....) *Finally gets knocked out by TJA member for BS-ing*


      • Awesome pic as usual, Jive!
        She definitely is cute!
        One could say that Scarlet had a nice upbringing, 'cause she looks like a sweet responsible mom.
        Lotsa home cooked meals, rather than take-out heheh


        • Re: Got Milk? Yes... Yes she does!

          Originally posted by Jive Guru
          LOL!!! That's just too perfect!! I love everything about this pic, the pose, the expression, the "Big, but not TOO big!" boobs!

          Heck, I really like the clothes she's got in that pic!

          Excellent Stuff!!!
          Hey I just love the big boobs. I say the bigger the better, well that's my opinion.


          • A Family at last..... Awwwwwww.
            Attached Files


            • thats a sweet one...


              • it looks like she is touching her mom's boob


                • lol yeah, but I was too lazy to edit that.

                  I just pretend she's touching her arm.

                  Actually, Inthe back of my mind I was waiting to see how long it would take to have that pointed out as well.

                  Longer than I expected.


                  • Very nice pics Jive, but if I may I have one suggestion.

                    I think for that group pic you should have Scarlet almost 'in-your-face' in
                    the foreground and the other two more into the back ground. Scarlet is
                    your main attraction after all and her family seems more like support
                    characters to me.

                    Long story made longer, bottom line mix up the composition a bit by
                    messing around with the scale of some of the characters, or tweaking the horizon line.

                    Anyway, I love the new characters Jive.
                    I'd like mornings better if they started later.


                    • lol It's just supposed to be like a family photo, I don't think I've ever come across one of those with someone else being the main attraction.

                      Sort of like a brother being in the foreground with the parents and other siblings in the background going with the brother saying:

                      "EH? Look!! I'm the most important person!! YAY!"

                      Seems odd to do that to me...

                      In the end they just fit well together in that position when I was making the pic.


                      • I think it is all very cool, Jive
                        You need to draw Dad now


                        • Originally posted by Jive Guru
                          lol It's just supposed to be like a family photo,
                          I don't think I've ever come across one of those with someone
                          else being the main attraction.
                          I totally overlooked that possibility, I figured it was more
                          of a character collage thing.

                          Oh well, it still looks good none-the-less.
                          I'd like mornings better if they started later.


                          • i just noticed that with the group pic that you chose the punk version for Ruby. nice choice the question now is will Scarlet get her looks from her fathers side of the family or her mothers?


                            • Scarlet gets her hair colour from her Father, and her fur colouring from her Mother. At least that's the idea, obviously it's not exactly the same.


                              • Or you could'a used 'guero', but Jive's hair ain't blonde.

                                Originally posted by Damaramu
                                Nice job, gringo. (Whatever gringo means... sjeesh... Google it. "Gringo means...". I mean no literal offence, though. Maybe I shoulda gone for amig....)

