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"Simply Scarlet"

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  • HBD Scarlet!!!!!


    • WOW
      Very nice picture, V.Kyrie!


      • happy b-day scarlet! lol..we baked a cake in culinary class XD. heres to one more year! *holds up 2 leter of coke* huzza!


        • Oh my... almost mist it!
          Happy Birthday Scarlet!!!
          so... here's a rushed sketch as a birthday suprise...
          due to the fact that it's almost the 7th here, i had no time for the details. and i wanted to upload it on her birthday... so sorry for that

          and i've seen this pose somewhere but can't remeber where...
          well... here you go...
          Attached Files


          • Thank you very much! Very cool!

            Where I am there's still 6 1/2 hours left.

            Don't feel bad if you miss the date, heck I don't even have a picture ready to mark the occasion... because I'm a dummy.

            Actually, I was concentrating on the Valentine's day picture and forgot all about doing one for her birthday. I should have SOMETHING by tonight though, even if it is just something quickly put together. :P

            Here, I pulled this together quickly, it's a comparison between how Scarlet began and how she is now.
            Attached Files


            • Progress, progress, progress! Congrats Jive.


              • OMG!!! has scarlet been indulging? it looks like she gained a few.
                yet she still looks good.


                • plump = the...shit yeah cant think of anything that rhymes with plump that means awsome


                  • LOL Nuts are kinda fatty.

                    But seriously, she's not overweight. She's just not so "stick-like" anymore.


                    • Happy Birthday Scarlet...

                      hope the birthday was a fun one... Jive must be proud

                      Happy Birthday ... have a pic
                      Attached Files


                      • Ahh cool!

                        Thanks a lot Ben!
                        I appriciate it and so does Scarlet!

                        By the way, your in the lead! Five pics of Scarlet!
                        Two of them are the same pic,one's just coloured, but still, I count them as two!


                        • Happy birthday, Scarlet! I have a persent for her, but I don't have a scanner right now so it will be late. I just realize JJ is older then Scarlet, by awhole lot.


                          • Well, Scarlet's birthday has come and gone.

                            It was a good day, Scarlet had a wonderful time and would like to thank everyone for their birthday wishes and gifts.

                            I think she'll be making another appearance soon enough, so keep an eye open.


                            • Originally posted by Jive Guru
                              Thank you very much! Very cool!

                              Where I am there's still 6 1/2 hours left.

                              Don't feel bad if you miss the date, heck I don't even have a picture ready to mark the occasion... because I'm a dummy.

                              Actually, I was concentrating on the Valentine's day picture and forgot all about doing one for her birthday. I should have SOMETHING by tonight though, even if it is just something quickly put together. :P

                              Here, I pulled this together quickly, it's a comparison between how Scarlet began and how she is now.

                              Wow I never even noticed that... she wears it well! ^.^
                              ~V.Kyrie (:*
                     All real, all the time.


                              • *f!na||y oked at some of post*


                                hey wow these are n!ce

