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"Simply Scarlet"

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  • Originally posted by Jive Guru
    Lydia, from the Beetlejuice cartoon
    ....must... find... BeetleJuice...DVD...

    Some episodes were a little out there, but a lot were really funny. Heh.


    • I AM ALL FOR GOTH!!!!

      I have a special side too


      • Originally posted by V.Kyrie
        Maybe Ruby's just the punky Goth on weekends and online? XD

        I love her she's so rocking andeither way a nice similarity yet difference to Scarlet.

        Or maybe she's a musician and the alter-ego is just her stage persona?: )
        ~V.Kyrie (:*
        Ahh, but if that were the case which one would be the 'alter-ego'...? Hehehe, a gothy punk gal who goes Partridge Family on stage? Now that's something I'd find interesting...


        • how about twins? everyone loves twins =P
          one punk one the goody goody


          • O.O
            Bunnywithpancakeonit'sheadbunnywithpancakeonit'she ad
            bunnywithpancakeonit'sheadbunnywithpancakeonit'she ad
            bunnywithpancakeonit'sheadbunnywithpancakeonit'she ad
            bunnywithpancakeonit'sheadbunnywithpancakeonit'she ad
            bunnywithpancakeonit'sheadbunnywithpancakeonit'she ad
            bunnywithpancakeonit'sheadbunnywithpancakeonit'she ad
            bunnywithpancakeonit'sheadbunnywithpancakeonit'she ad!!!!!

            Twin is cute but she seriously looks like a younger sister (not to mention actually stated by Jive)... *yawn*I'll be happy with Jive's decesion either way. ^.^

            And thus everyone will have at least 2 squirrels to play with at any time... ^.^

            And it's not like she can't be dressed up either way in the future... or.. undressed either way in the future.; )
            ~V.Kyrie (:*
   All real, all the time.


            • Exactly!


              • Originally posted by V.Kyrie
                Twin is cute but she seriously looks like a younger sister
                I think edster45 meant that the two other than Scarlet could be twins... So Scarlet would have two younger twin sisters.


                • Ooh.

                  That IS tempting, lol.

                  But I think one is enough myself. ; )
                  ~V.Kyrie *
         All real, all the time.


                  • Originally posted by Damaramu
                    Originally posted by V.Kyrie
                    Twin is cute but she seriously looks like a younger sister
                    I think edster45 meant that the two other than Scarlet could be twins... So Scarlet would have two younger twin sisters.
                    exactly what i meant, but either way its up to jive. If you were to decided to make 2 new characters instead of one the second would still need a name
                    oh and glad you like my avatar Val =P


                    • well it is up to jive but the goth version has more "possibilities" in my opinion. :P


                      • :P I think so too.

                        Oh yeah, and she's not supposed to be a gothy, she is supposed to be punkish. Just a note.


                        • Happy Artist Appriciation Day!!!!

                          It's officially Artist Appriciation Day here at TJA And I'd just like to say thanks to all the artists here at TJA! Your all great and very talented! I hope you all have a great day today wherever your hailing from!

                          Thank you for allowing me join the team! I really APPRICIATE it!

                          So in honour of A.A.D. I'd just like to let all the TJA artists out there know that you all get one free whack at Scarlet - no charge! Ha ha ha.
                          You just gotta figure out a way to get through that monitor of yours!

                          Have Fun!
                          Attached Files


                          • hahaha man i had no idea it was this late. lol awesome pic JG. lol i can honestly say i appricate all your artwork old and new and that goes for all the artists.


                            • All of the artists here deserve all of the love and thanks we can give then. If only there were a day or something we could use to thank them with....Oh wait! There is! THANK YOU ALL FOR THE WONDERFUL ART AND JUST BEING GREAT PEOPLE ALL AROUND!!! Happy A.A.D!!!


                              • O . O

                                I APPRCIATE YOUR APPRICIATION, MISTER JIVE GURU.

