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"Simply Scarlet"

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  • Shweet gifts~

    Wow, I like it, I LIKE IT! (Evil thread, hahahaha: What is light, without Dark ?) I got me an Aeon Flux set myself as well. I also got Reign, and Akira (Another good movie) - First anime I ever saw... But it sounds like you had a merry effin x-mas!! Thank you Jesus for being born! And thank you Jive for making the "sweet cheeks" Scarlet!

    ::Commodore:: - Mikey


    • Chirstmas is over and all I got from my family was crap.


      • I know these are also located in the paintchat thread, but I want them here too, because they are freakin' sweet in my opinion.

        The first pic is a new character I just made up tonight as I went along, I don't know exactly what she is, but I'm leaning towards demon.

        The second is of Keira, from the Jak and Daxter video games. She's nice.
        Attached Files


        • alrighty, well jive sorry to say i had to skip through the other 34 pages of scarlet joy, so damn long , ill read a few a night , as for the little demon thing, i agree but she also has a pokemon/digimon feel and I dont know why......keep the art coming!


          • I'm loving what you got there and to watch it happen is amazing. You take so much time to do these things, it's amazing. My patience wears down fast, so I have to REALLY give it to you, you're a worker and a respected artist is my books!

            ::Commodore:: - Mikey


            • Happy New Year everybody!!


              • ooo you suck, i wanted to get first new years post T.T, *sigh* o well, happy new years folks! to another year of furry fun!


                • Happy New Year back!


                  • actually, i believe the first New Year post goes to spyder but its not a race as long as you get the message across.. which reminds me, Happy New Year everybody who is here
                    Final Fantasy 7


                    • Originally posted by Nafruf
                      actually, i believe the first New Year post goes to spyder but its not a race as long as you get the message across.. which reminds me, Happy New Year everybody who is here
                      just goes to show how much poeple notice things that i post oh well, like is aid in my New years post... lets make 06 a good one


                      • Here's my new girl, "Ixia" for your viewing pleasure, I'm still not certain what her colours are, or even what she is yet... is she a demon? an alien? some sort of nymph-like thing?
                        Attached Files


                        • Watching you slap her together was soo cool, ^-^ Fun too! Hope we can do it again sometime! GREAT WORK!

                          ::commodore:: - mikey


                          • I hope you don't mind me being a goof and throwing colours onto her. Its late and I was just feeling a bit silly. That and I was trying to practice colouring using anti-alias which I tend to suck at. X_x

                            But regardless, she's a cute critter. Hope to see her around and you pick some colours. I'd love to draw her myself.
                            Attached Files
                            "Zzzzzzzz...."Mab's Land and DMFA Comics


                            • *Drools* Wow..... *shakes head* heh heh... Well I like it! I hope Jive does! nice work mab!

                              ::commodore:: - mikey


                              • Hey Wow!! Very nice!

                                The colour scheme is actually sorta similar to how I was going make her, like, the different coloured face like Scarlet's and the gold trim on her designs. The colours look good, though I'm not sure I'll be going with magneta, I need to put her through "the rainbow test" to see if anything sticks in my head.

                                Very cool suprise though!

