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"Simply Scarlet"

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  • well so do i... but havn a gif animator can be really handy when you want to do like a 3 second animation.


    • Hello Jive...don't mean to interrupt this thread or anything but:

      Found something very interesting...certainly a heck of a coincidence as well:


      Look under Comics, Storyboard & Layout;

      There is an artist there by the name of "JollyJack", who in his sequential strip "Sequential Art"...and has his post theme as "Something in the loft"...has introduced a squirrel femme by the name of Scarlett as well.

      ...Now it is not YOUR Scarlett...BUT...who knows...maybe it's catching or something


      • i believe we have established in the past that there are Multiple Scarlet the squirrels out there.... and that the one we have here in the archive is different from others because..... erm well, cuz she just is!


        • Originally posted by chrismukkah
          ...Now it is not YOUR Scarlett...BUT...who knows...maybe it's catching or something
          Y'know, I think Jive was right when he said that Scarlet is just too obvious a name for a squirrel girl not to be used. Who knows how many more Scarlets are out there in the creative ether?


          • But I did create the original! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... you saw her here first!

            now if you'll excuse me... *puts bag over my head and yells some obsenities!*

            I'm fine, don't worry about me!

            Just kidding!

            Actually, there is a difference, be it a small one, but the names are spelled differently. My Scarlet only has one "T" his has two.

            Edit: On second thought, no... his only has one "T" as well... crap.


            • It's my female character Kyri, there are a lot of characters that share their name with her, but she is the first.


              • Doom Doom Doom Doom....

                Okay, I'm having a seriously bad day here.

                Firstly, I just got my notice from work today, so I have only 3 weeks left there before I gotta find a new job...

                Secondly, I come home after that and go to check my mail to find that my account no longer exists... or at least there is something currently wrong with it, because I can log in here and into my MSN, but when I go to actually check out my mail.... I says there is no such account.

                What's up with that?

                Edit: All Fixed now. I changed my password because I think my account may have been hacked and the password changed.

                Edit 2: Isn't it funny that I seem to be more upset over my e-mail than my imminent loss of employment? Well I'm not, I just summed up the job part better... I've gotta find a new job right around CHRISTMAS! Those Bastards...


                • Wow... It sounds to me like you need to listen to "Last Resort" from Papa Roach. If you want to kill someone that is.
                  No seriously, it really sounds like a bad day you got there...
                  Remeber: Think happy thoughts.


                  • Re: Doom Doom Doom Doom....

                    Originally posted by Jive Guru
                    Okay, I'm having a seriously bad day here.

                    Firstly, I just got my notice from work today, so I have only 3 weeks left there before I gotta find a new job...

                    Secondly, I come home after that and go to check my mail to find that my account no longer exists... or at least there is something currently wrong with it, because I can log in here and into my MSN, but when I go to actually check out my mail.... I says there is no such account.

                    What's up with that?

                    Edit: All Fixed now. I changed my password because I think my account may have been hacked and the password changed.

                    Edit 2: Isn't it funny that I seem to be more upset over my e-mail than my imminent loss of employment? Well I'm not, I just summed up the job part better... I've gotta find a new job right around CHRISTMAS! Those Bastards...
                    That's horrible! I read the first version of your post.

                    At least you have three weeks before unemployment - if anything, it'll give you time to find something, even if it's temporary.

                    Yesterday seemed to be the day for bad things - a friend from my neighborhood stopped by with a tiny orange kitten yesterday. He found it after he found the mother dead in his yard (apparently the giant possum that hunts cats in our neighborhood got her). He heard the baby crying under a pile of furniture someone had thrown out for the trash people. Not knowing what to do, he brought it to our house.

                    The kitten was very hungry and a little scratched up, so while my gf cleaned him up, I went and got kitten formula, a warming pad, and an eye dropper (they actually sold kitten sized baby bottles at wal-mart, so I bought that instead).

                    We checked the internet, and it said the kitten was probably less than two weeks old. He doesn't have any teeth, and his little eyes were all goopy.

                    Got the kitten cleaned and situated, got him drinking kitten formula, and then put him to sleep in a little cage with the warming pad.

                    The website said to feed him every 4 hours, but since he was starved, I set my alarm and fed him a little every hour all night.

                    He's been with me all day today - he is doing so much better, and he's probably going to be fine since he survived the night.

                    I've named him Pumpkin since he's orange and was born in october. He's been purring loudly today, especially when I let him nuzzle into my neck ... At least his bad day is over now


                    • Awwwww.... So touching *sniff* I hope it's gonna be alright


                      • Originally posted by dfn55
                        Awwwww.... So touching *sniff* I hope it's gonna be alright
                        Kitten update: Kitten has gotten fatter and happier - Pumpkin is now a tiny ball of energy and purrs all the time.

                        Jive: have things improved any for you yet? Any job prospects?


                        • yay!


                          • Glad to hear about the cat.

                            In other Jive related news: No news on new jobs. I haven't even updated my resume yet, because I haven't been over to my parents to dig up the hard copy. (I forgot it over there when I moved out.)

                            Well, I've still got 14/15 long work days ahead of me before I'm officially out of work, so... I've got a bit of time to get prepared.


                            • Halloweeeeeeeen!

                              Here's a quick picture I drew up last night for Halloween! I just played through Jak3 again recently and thought Scarlet would look good in Ashlin's clothes.... or almost lack thereof.

                              Attached Files


                              • her head seems bigger than usual... is it to accomadate the markings?

                                oh well... other than that, the pic is awsome...

