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"Simply Scarlet"

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  • By the by Jive Guru...

    I have commissioned someone to do a pic of Jessica & Scarlett together.
    (After all, it HAD to happen SOMETIME...)- hope this is ok with you.

    And, I do have Jessica's permission to have her char. drawn as well.

    Will post once everything's all set up.


    • Great! That sounds fun! I can't wait!!


      • I felt kinda left out so I draw this up, under an hour. I hope this pic goes here and if it doesn't, oh well. Jive Guru, here's a penical drawing that's going to be inked and colored, soon.

        ^all i have to say is, my poor character. Scarlet is (c) to Jive Guru and JJ Husk is (c) to me.


        • heya Jive, I finished my side of the art trade. you don't have to do your end of the trade if you don't want to, I'm just really happy with the pic I did so its reward enough, I do believe this will be the closes I'll ever get to emulating your style, I hope you like it
          Attached Files


          • All I have to say is, my wirst hurts.


            • Hello everyone!

              I haven't been doing much work since I've gotten back to work after my holiday, however I think that should be changing soon enough.
              In the meantime however, I've collected together a bunch of old pics from off my hard drive. It's not anthro either. I do a lot more than just Scarlet.

              I hope this will tide you guys over until I start cranking out some work again!

              Attached Files


              • *shrugs* Ah what the heck.... here's some old anthro stuff I did... Hey can you guys figure out how a certain squirrel came to be?

                Oh yeah, keep in mind all these were done in MSPaint.
                Attached Files


                • I figure something like that picture show is how that squirrel came to be.


                  • well well, it would seem to me that scarlet may have been a mix of 2 girls combined into 1 to create a super sexy squrriel. this is good stuff right here.*insert larry the cable guy's voice here* this is some good stuff right here.


                    • Dude even your old work is wicked awesome! Darn you and your talent!


                      • Originally posted by Jive Guru
                        *shrugs* Ah what the heck.... here's some old anthro stuff I did... Hey can you guys figure out how a certain squirrel came to be?

                        Oh yeah, keep in mind all these were done in MSPaint.
                        GENTELMEN! I present... TO you... the COMBINATRON! WITH it I... can comBINE two... CREATURES! and create... a BETTER one.


                        • you forgot about the corn, Dr. Weird.


                          • Originally posted by JJHusk
                            you forgot about the corn, Dr. Weird.
                            ... Damn.


                            • Gentlemen...I bring u corn and Scarlet the squirrel that was orignial two squirrel, but are now one.


                              • actually it was more like.... I like that Squirrel design, but I like the kangaroo's colours better..... Hmmmmmm..... with a little tweaking this could be good! UREKA!

                                Now she needs a name! Hmm.... Red? Ruby? Scarlet? AH-HA! Scarlet Squirrel!! Yes, that will do nicely.

