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"Simply Scarlet"

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  • Originally posted by spydermonkey
    nafruf you get me that picture and il do a pictuer just for you... you just tell me what you want... of course, it cant be hardcore(sex)... or R(masturbation).... i dont leave much to ask for do i? you can have nudity if you want. lol... or you can just gimme the pic or sumtin it doesnt matter too much.
    well my current commissions with balade are sapping my creative abilities , so i may have to think awhile. you dont have to do one, but if you really want to i wont stop you if everyone drew someone a picture for sending a pic there would be untold amounts of art out there :P thanks for the offer at any rate

    oh, check your pm for the pic. if anyone wants to see it here i can post it. i would have just posted it here for spyder, but i wanted permission first

    *edit* the pic is too big to attach, so dont bother checking pm. i will have to send it through email. shoot me your addy
    Final Fantasy 7


    • Bloodrayne

      Don't know if you guys ever got that picture working, but here's copy anyway. You know... just for comparison's sake.
      Attached Files


      • NOICE thanx alot Jive...


        • thats the pic i have, only its higher res and there isnt any text. spyder i will send you it via email zioa, its too big to upload to the forums, you can get it from me through email or from spyder after he has it

          i hope we arent taking up too much of your thread space jive
          Final Fantasy 7


          • I wonder which one could make more corpses with those blades... Scarlet or Rayne?


            • I'm gonna go out on a limb and say..... Rayne, for sure.

              I don't think Scarlet has ever killed anyone.... of course she does have a shadowy past... because I haven't made anything definitive for her yet.


              • after some snooping in some fbi files i just so happen to have... i have found out scarlet is wanted on five accounts of murder.

                whats the cause of death watson?
                ACORNS!!! lots and lots of acorns Sherlock. it seems that the killer pelted them to death with acorns.



                • Hey.... You've got the wrong Squirrel!

                  It was FOAMY ( (check out the "Nuts to You" episode)

                  I swear!!! She's innocent!


                  • rofl.... that was a great episode...hmmm i wonder if scarlet knows foamy... THEN SHE IS GUILTY BY ASSOCIATION BWAHAHAHA!!!

                    actualy sherlock he is right, the paw prints dont match.



                    • omg, I seriously just got done watching that eppisode crazzzzzy! lol


                      • Here's a fan art I did of Jessica's character of the same name!

                        Enjoy everyone!
                        Attached Files


                        • pretty!


                          • sexy as hell, nice Boobs


                            • Wow, that's hot

                              Your art never fails to impress, and it just keeps getting better with
                              every picture you do!
                              I'd like mornings better if they started later.


                              • Betcha' didn't see this one coming!

                                I looked back on your picture of Chamile, the one with the coat, and the perfect pose just popped into my head! (I really think you should draw more of her )

                                I did this one with my good ol' Prismacolor markers/pencil crayons. Since I'm not familiar with drawing reptiles (actually this only my third reptile I've ever drawn) I wanted to get something right, so that's why I went back to more familiar ground. However I did try to do some funky background with Photoshop... actually I just needed to fill up space

                                I shortened the tail a considerable amount because I couldn't get the larger one to look right, sorry

                                Hope you like it

                                .... one more thing. How do you pronounce her name?
                                Is it like Sham-il-ey or CH-am-i-lee... or should I just sit down before I make a fool of myself?
                                I'd like mornings better if they started later.

