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"Simply Scarlet"

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  • Originally posted by Jive Guru
    Say, here's an oddball question for everyone: Have you ever found Scarlet on any other websites?
    Only Playmouse and here.


    • i have only seen her here. i probably would see her at playmouse if i snopped around there as much as i used to
      Final Fantasy 7


      • Attention everyone! I have news to share with you all!!

        I have seen the new Star Wars movie "Revenge of the Sith" and to my great and humble expectations, it did not completely suck ass like "The Phantom Menace" and also, the acting, while still not ultra-spectacular, it was far superior to anything "Attack of the Clones" could ever offer.

        Indeed, this final movie has in my mind made up for the mistakes of the previous two installments, while keeping the "good parts" from each and compacting the really, really bad parts into only one or two really cringe-worthy scenes, one of which was so cliched, I actually laughed in the theatre.

        In short, Star Wars - Episode III: Revenge of the Sith gets my seal of approval. It's not perfect, but it's better than I had come to expect.


        • I'm going to see it in the next week or so. Everyone I've talked to has either loved the movie or thought it was the worst thing ever to be made. So i'm glad to here a modertae review. People can't seem to sit back and just enjoy a movie these days.

          I'm looking forward to seeing General Grievous, one of my fav Star Wars chars. I re-watched the first 2 the other day to prepare to see the 3rd so i'd have it fresh in my mind. After seeing V.krie's awesome star wars pic and the movies i've been really temped to draw some star wars esque women. (sorry for ranting in your thread ) Off to bed for me.


          • Wow... Just wow. That's all I can come up with to say... Oh, that, and you guys rock. I am definately a fan by now, Guru. I am personally looking forward to your follow-up nurse pic.

            And Joe:

            *sexual meltdown* VERY nice!


            • OH CRAP

              dammit i had picture for when your thread hit 15,000 views...AAAHHH ur already 300 past it. AAAAHHH!!!! WHERES THE PICTURE!!!!! TO THE SCANNER!!!!*insert batman music here*

              il get it scanned and on here as soon as possible...i dont know what it is about the picture but her eyes are just bothering the crap out of me.

              also i would like to say...DAMMIT I NEED SOMTHING TO COLOR MY PICS WITH...GAAHHHH :O :O


              • alright so for you 15,000 views on this thread i have made this pic for you.

                its scarlet at the pool with martin.

                OKAY the diving board sux. i know

                OH!! and jive. just thought id tell ya that scarlet is the first female furry i have ever drawn, and in fact is the first female ive drawn in like 2 years. and id say for a first girl, i drew her pretty well.

                hope you like it man.
                Attached Files


                • Hehehehehe, Have I reached 15,000 already? That's about 1/3 the time it took to get to 5000 initially, which is intriguing information indeed! At this rate I'll have to get cracking on a 20,000 hits pic.

                  *jots that down in Flippy Note-Pad*

                  I really enjoy the pic! You haven't drawn a girl in like 2 years? AT ALL????? Wow, practically all my drawings are either girls or... well I can't remember the last time I attempted anything else, so... yeah.... I guess I'm the opposite of your situation.

                  Heh, Martin, I don't draw him very often, perhaps I'll work him into the next pic somehow.

                  Anyway, Thank You for the picture!
                  I'm happy I inspired you so much!


                  • well yeah..the last time i drew a girl i was in my prime for and my friends would draw while the teacher would be talking and when the teacher looked we would flip to our the picture of my first ever good lookig girl..she had lines for eyes, and her back was turned looking over her shoulder, since it was in a notepad and i never saved my pics at that time, i lost her. still remember it good too, the clothing came out great in the picture...still have like 5 pictures from then, i did mostly vehicles(tanks) i just made a tank today...maybe il post it in my thread, it looks beastly

                    well im really glad you liked it. since i dont draw to many female characters i was reall nervous bout it.


                    • Originally posted by spydermonkey
                      and id say for a first girl, i drew her pretty well.
                      i would say so too i dont see anything wrong with her for a first female attempt in a few years, thats pretty freakin good!
                      Final Fantasy 7


                      • This thread is Missing Something

                        The Only thing this is Missing is probaly Mab's version of Scarlet, It would probaly make your mind Explode with Cuteness.


                        • Mab does have a version of Scarlet here! also it does happen to be very cute!

                          Check out the 3rd page of this thread.


                          • Bleh. My version was crappy. Expect attempt 2 shortly.
                            "Zzzzzzzz...."Mab's Land and DMFA Comics


                            • Originally posted by MissMab
                              Bleh. My version was crappy. Expect attempt 2 shortly.
                              Lol yeah right, your pic was great especially compared to some... well ok all of mine.

                              My best picture is my Avatar *cries*


                              • Originally posted by MissMab
                                Bleh. My version was crappy. Expect attempt 2 shortly.
                                If you say so Mab, but I still like it!

                                I can't wait for the next one!

