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"Simply Scarlet"

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  • Oh, oki


    • Originally posted by Jive Guru
      Well, blah. That just burned me up at the party having to be really nice, when I just wanted to say "Piss off! It's my property and I'll do it when I damn well please."
      yes its your property, but the city can pretty much tell you what you need to do. i have never understood why you have to get permission to shingle your own house? dont they want you to do that anyway? its not like you are digging a trench network into your neighbors yard or anything

      anyway, nice choice with the swimsuit pic GForce i always have a sweet spot for those lovelies.

      and i liked the pink stockings idea. its a nice little change from the normal white. and you can only see 'naughty night nurses' so many times :P
      Final Fantasy 7


      • Originally posted by Jive Guru
        Hey! Awesome picture!! It's great thing to come home to a new work of art!

        Kim Possible you say? Well, I guess I sorta see it in the lips, but mostly everything else doesn't really remind me of anything in particular... Except Scarlet of course! Very nice. I especially like the way you drew the eyes.
        The face resembles that of KP character Bonnie, to me, anyway


        • Well I gotta admit, I don't watch KP too often, so I'm not REALLY that familiar with it at all... certainly not enough to pic out specifics from characters.


          • Bonnie!
            I sortta noticed a similarity too but hey, there's no avoiding it these days.
            I spotted Elisa Maza, Jackie Chan and adult Jade in the new Batman cartoon, and a more mature version of Jamie from Megas-XLR in Fakk2(Heavy Metal 2)... I forget the character's name... and I wasn't even trying.
            I could go on to list other toons that look like other toons but I REALLY should get to bed... ^.^;
            ~V.Kyrie (:*
   All real, all the time.


            • Yeah, I see stuff like that all the time as well. (at least on TV)


              • Originally posted by V.Kyrie
                I sortta noticed a similarity too but hey, there's no avoiding it these days.
                I spotted Elisa Maza, Jackie Chan and adult Jade in the new Batman cartoon, and a more mature version of Jamie from Megas-XLR in Fakk2(Heavy Metal 2)... I forget the character's name... and I wasn't even trying.
                I could go on to list other toons that look like other toons but I REALLY should get to bed... ^.^;
                ~V.Kyrie (:*
                It's a major complaint among Gargoyles fans that Det. ELlen Yin was a rip of Elisa Maza, even the name is similar in that there is the SImilar first name, then the demographically relevant last name (Maza is "Iron" is Sioux, or so Greg Weisman was told)


                • Hey, what's going on? I got a notice in my mail saying there was a new message here, but upon arriving I find nothing! Bah.... Ghosts in the Machine I tell you.


                  • Boooo! :P


                    • InvisoMail.


                      • Originally posted by Jive Guru
                        Hey, what's going on? I got a notice in my mail saying there was a new message here, but upon arriving I find nothing! Bah.... Ghosts in the Machine I tell you.
                        did you check private messages? or was it a notice that a new post had arrived in your topic?
                        Final Fantasy 7


                        • Not a Private Message, it specifically said this section.

                          I almost never get any private *pout*


                          • It was a previously deleted member who came back to be an ass. Sorry, i deleted it.
                   All real, all the time.


                            • Ahhh. Alrighty then!
                              I sorta figured that it was someone who posted and then decided to delete the post some time after it was posted, but someone else deleting it works too!


                              • a disgruntled member? hmm, begone with him.
                                Final Fantasy 7

