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"Simply Scarlet"
Hey! Awesome picture!! It's great thing to come home to a new work of art!
Kim Possible you say? Well, I guess I sorta see it in the lips, but mostly everything else doesn't really remind me of anything in particular... Except Scarlet of course! Very nice. I especially like the way you drew the eyes.
In other news, I was at a party today and a few people from around the neighborhood were there as well, and one of them actually came up to me and was very polite, but she says: "You really need to cut your lawn! your grandmother would be spinning in her grave if she saw that! (cause I live in my grandmother's old house since she passed away about 2 years ago) If you don't want to do it my 15 year old would love to do it!" and I was all, "Yeah, I'll get right on that." and then, to paraphrase Tichondrius I was like *Grumble* (sorry man :P) She made me feel like I'm a lazy bastard or something, and I'm really not at all, I have just been busy with work.
But Is that not rude? I mean, it's not THAT bad looking right now, it just looks longer cause my next door neighbor cut his lawn - and now when I do go out and cut it it will seem like I'm appeasing that one neighbor, when I was planning on cutting anyway.
Well, blah. That just burned me up at the party having to be really nice, when I just wanted to say "Piss off! It's my property and I'll do it when I damn well please."
Argh... but seriously - Nice pic! I love it!!
Thanks, yeah if you look at my art thread you'll see that I had just been drawing KP so if you see it in the drawing it's probably because that art style is still stuck in me. It mainly the lip that probably pulling you to that.
Jive Guru, ya know what. Just say to them "It's fine for now, my property says 'lived on'." You can say the same thing with your house when it's messed up haha.
Originally posted by TichondriusSorry about that some people have bad moods at least once or twice per year *shames*
Anyway, you apologised. That was nice of you.
And just so you can't use this entire post agaisnt me, some of your other comments in various other parts of the forum have REALLY rubbed me the wrong way, even if they weren't directed at me, they just seemed uncalled for. I generally keep my trap shut so as to not divrege fromt he topic.
..Anyway, Jive, Scarlet's a cute nurse... the pink stockings baffle me a bit, but otherwise reeeeal cute.... *stares dejectedly at her first attempt so far* I'll... post a preview when i fix the porportions. -.-;
~V.Kyrie (:*