As you know for the past few months the city of Flint, Mi. has been the center of attention due to the residents being angry and suffering from having forced to bathe and drink in "Chemical Plant Zone" water. Especially vulnerable are children since their bodies can easily absorb lead into their bodies. Also 10 people have died from Legionnaire's Disease. All because Gov. Rick Snyder is a tightwad. I've done my part in helping out by giving bottled water to Flint residents. But seriously Gov. Snyder you need to take responsibility for this clusterfuck. And spending millions of dollars on a purse cake for your wife's birthday last month?!> Money that could've been used to treat children contaminated with lead? Flo Rida cares more Flint than you do. And when Flo Rida has concerns for a city suffering from environmental racism, something is very wrong here.
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The Flint Water Crisis
I saw Michael Moore do a posting/rant about this. Now I'm pretty conservative and don't agree with Moore about much of anything, but in this I'm with him 100%. What was done in Flint is nothing short of criminal and someone should be tried for it , and if convicted, sent to prison for a very long time.
Does anyone think that if Flint had been a rich White city this would have happened, or if it had, would have lasted as long as it did?
"All the dinosaurs fear the T-Rex!"