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Where are all the people?
I wonder if it will ever get lively here at all. Heh I may aswell still keep posting here on the of chance anyone come across my thread. FA are not really very responsive crowd though. Most watchers are only ghosts, Sadly id like to post about here on my DA account, but that would get me a ban sadly. But there is more community there, and most I know are not using blogs to post their adult art.
Well that's what ghosts do... come back from the dead.
Well if you try hard enough sometimes things can happen, but most of the time your efforts remain silently barren of answer or even acknowledgment. Does this mean you give up? No. It means you go back to lurking in the shadows, and when people least expect it, you casually stroll out like nothing ever happened and flop down on the carpets to laze about in the irony of being there without being there the whole time.
But then this forum has always promoted lurking more than participation. And no I don't mean prizes must be given away or any of that. I mean as an art forum most people come here to look at the art, and even then, some don't comment on it. They do come to appreciate it though. However, Jab archives in itself doesn't have much for people to converse about. It usually becomes a chat between members which newer members feel afraid to join into because they feel intimidated by being around artists whose art they may or may not enjoy. Plus this sort of site attracts a certain type of artistic viewer that is prone to being silent anyway.
Not that it is all perversion mind you, but the front page itself is a warning, the second page has temptresses if not full on frontal. So you get a very select group. Personally I am simply tickled to see a webcomic come about, if not for the sole infusion of possible humor in it. ....kinda sad it must be Val whom increases her workload. But then there isn't much we can do about it. That is, we on the forums anyway.
Still. The future of the forums is in the hands of its members. Whether it goes silent again, or if it remains as it was. There will still always be one or two watchers. ...lurking in the shadows and nursing old wounds of past failures to breathe new life.
Originally posted by MangaManX View PostBut then this forum has always promoted lurking more than participation.
Lurking is the norm _everywhere_ short of active efforts to prevent it.[1]
The standard online estimate is that 90% of people will never post, and 90% of those that do are going to be infrequent posters at best.
[1] Success at eliminating lurking is nearly 100%, generally by driving everyone away and dropping both the posting and reading counts down to zero.
I just wanted to say thanks for such a great thought out post MMX... I sent out the letter to most people in hopes they would at least give it another try.. We have a lot more to talk about now , and I always felt it was a fun community family we had going, here's to hoping it can happen again.Cheetah - TJA Productions
Originally posted by Cheetah View PostI just wanted to say thanks for such a great thought out post MMX... I sent out the letter to most people in hopes they would at least give it another try.. We have a lot more to talk about now , and I always felt it was a fun community family we had going, here's to hoping it can happen again.
At the beginning of my visits, I returned because of the artwork done by Jab, Val and a girl whose avatar was a full-figured dragon. As I kept visiting, I found more and more great artists; I wish I could remember all of their names, but the name I do remember is TDK. Everytime I see or think of his name, I hear the commercial jingle, "Music lives on TDK".
TJA still has the most, and best, artists on the Net.
Speaking for myself, the one of two reasons I don't post entries more often is that all of you artists do fantastic work. My fear is that If I give similiar messages of approval and delight, at some point it might seem like I'm Eddie Haskell, offering praise and gratitude that are only empty words; even worse, it might seem as if I'm damning you with faint praise.
Which brings me to the other reason: I all too often don't express myself very well.
Even though I don't post messages as often as I would like to do, please know that I love all the work done here, and I'm grateful for and appreciate that you do all of this work free of charge, even though there are "fans" whose demands quite understandably cause you to feel anger.May joy and innocence prevail.
Originally posted by Cheetah View PostI just wanted to say thanks for such a great thought out post MMX... I sent out the letter to most people in hopes they would at least give it another try.. We have a lot more to talk about now , and I always felt it was a fun community family we had going, here's to hoping it can happen again.
Originally posted by rwpikul View Posts/this forum has/all fora have/
Lurking is the norm _everywhere_ short of active efforts to prevent it.[1]
The standard online estimate is that 90% of people will never post, and 90% of those that do are going to be infrequent posters at best.
[1] Success at eliminating lurking is nearly 100%, generally by driving everyone away and dropping both the posting and reading counts down to zero.
I was referring to the fact that TJA itself is an adult themed, if not erotic, parody site with generous amounts of furry culture. Which is a very specific taste opposed to say, your video game forum or Political forum, or religious forum, or any other common/mainstream/generalized forum. That being said it targets a niche, and that niche is not very vocal, just as most of societal norms stress a repression of, or allow for at the very least private enjoyment of, sexual material. With that in mind you can see how difficult it would be to get such ha group of people to openly discuss something such as this and therefore create a running community. The generalized topics which are mostly spoken of around here can be better served by other forums that specifically target that topic or gene etc, and therefore seem out of place or loosely grouped around 'getting to know you' threads.
There is nothing wrong with that of course, but some people, as I said, feel more inclined to discuss things not having to do with TJA specifically on other forums more suited to finding and discussing such with other people. Now, throw in certain disagreeable or outright dangerous aspects, such as the Pedophilia (remember the Paintchatpedo incident?) and other varying on-the-edge-of-taste properties and it is clear why some can be driven away altogether. And not even to mention the... collision... of art hungry fans whom swarm their favored artist relentlessly without common courtesy or thought, who then feel rejected because their idea or desire was not fulfilled.
Now, I am not saying TJA is doomed to never be active mind you, it has been very active in the past. Died. Become very active again. and died again. Like a vicious cycle. And nor am I saying any new people will follow the trend or be disastrous to it's reawakening. I am simply pointing out inherent problems with the whole idea itself. It doesn't really have anything to do with the quality of people on the forums, artists or non, nor the art itself. but a collection of the whole... well, simply not mixing very well. And differences are not commonly accepted, even by such a range as furry/parody/toon.
SO. do not be disheartened if your efforts do not produce result, it is no lack of ability in you, nor others. A community does not always have to be thriving to do well. But if you continue to show your appreciation and appreciate what is shown, no one really looses out. And yes there will be those of us who can blabber and converse about the odd subject here and there. So don't be afraid to try that either. Just do not feel rejected or take to heart the time it may take to reply. TJA has always been pretty alive... just, a tad slow.
Which I don't really mind actually, I like a slow pace. Makes me see TJA as a small town. Everybody knows everybody, news travels fast, and conflict is resolved by everybody. There is a nice little group of people running around here, it just takes getting use to a slower pace if you don't want to be frustrated. Oh, if I haven't said it before:
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WELCOME TO TJA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by Cheetah View PostI just wanted to say thanks for such a great thought out post MMX... I sent out the letter to most people in hopes they would at least give it another try.. We have a lot more to talk about now , and I always felt it was a fun community family we had going, here's to hoping it can happen again.
You see that's another thing about ghosts, they like to haunt their old haunts. Don't be so sure you're rid of some of us. It'll take more thank 'who you gunna call'. Unless you ban us... ... ... ... dotdotdot worduseagetodenoteprolongedsilenceoccuringbeforeor afteranevent
Originally posted by General Zod View PostI first began surfing the Web--using the computers at my Public Library--in 1996. I found your site about three years before Jab and TJA separated; I remember that someone having cancer was one of the problems.
At the beginning of my visits, I returned because of the artwork done by Jab, Val and a girl whose avatar was a full-figured dragon. As I kept visiting, I found more and more great artists; I wish I could remember all of their names, but the name I do remember is TDK. Everytime I see or think of his name, I hear the commercial jingle, "Music lives on TDK".
TJA still has the most, and best, artists on the Net.
Speaking for myself, the one of two reasons I don't post entries more often is that all of you artists do fantastic work. My fear is that If I give similiar messages of approval and delight, at some point it might seem like I'm Eddie Haskell, offering praise and gratitude that are only empty words; even worse, it might seem as if I'm damning you with faint praise.
Which brings me to the other reason: I all too often don't express myself very well.
Even though I don't post messages as often as I would like to do, please know that I love all the work done here, and I'm grateful for and appreciate that you do all of this work free of charge, even though there are "fans" whose demands quite understandably cause you to feel anger.
Also, don't be afraid of constructive criticism. For obvious reasons, if you read above, some of the artwork I simply can not comment on. While other are just out of my taste range. Hence why I remain silent. Other times you will see constant support and loving dripping replies. That is, if some of us can ever get off our tails to write them. myself included. But hey, "That's bad communication, also something families do."
Originally posted by MangaManX View PostWhich I don't really mind actually, I like a slow pace. Makes me see TJA as a small town. Everybody knows everybody, news travels fast, and conflict is resolved by everybody. There is a nice little group of people running around here, it just takes getting use to a slower pace if you don't want to be frustrated. Oh, if I haven't said it before:
I guess Im one of the outsider types myself. Its such a quiet place and well a lot of those active have been so for years not easy to fit in. Heck Im only a soft core artist and hthere isnt the comunity to get the feedback like I do in other places. I agree with MangaManXs comments aboutthe ratio of lurkers and also well the furry comunity is worse that way. Heck I often posted on FA saying how come for the watchers I have i have such little intrest in my work, where on DA the ratio is prob 3 times more feedback and community as it dosent factor in the porn. So some battles are more harder to fight.
Hmm I gues sin a place like here I dont know where to go about, what to post if anything. When in doubt dont and just do some more arts been my motto. Heck if you want to kitty to try be a little more active I will give it a go, just sometimes Id feel closer to a nusance posting arounf , so i keep myself pretty quiet. But I dont mind helping out, as I said it seems a shame a nice little place like this to go to waste for no reason at all. After all plenty of people love posting comemnts and being active all the time