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what ever happend to robot.. Pink Fairy Lotus

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  • what ever happend to robot.. Pink Fairy Lotus

    I know its been a couple years since she dropped off the face of the earth and I had completely forgotten about her.
    But, I was fixing an old computer of mine and I was looking through the pictures, and I saw pictures that I haven't seen in years. I came upon the folder "Pink" and opened it. I looked through it and was wondering what ever happened to her.
    Does she come on from time to time, any one talk to her? I was just wondering because I used to be a big fan of both her art and her.

  • #2
    Far as I know doesnt post or use the net anymore. Although I dont know anything for sure, didnt know her very well.
    Final Fantasy 7


    • #3
      I did some searching awhile back, and as far as I know, she is back online under another pseudonym. I'm not going to discuss this though on public forum, as I'm sure that Helen would like some form of anonymity due to past instances. If you look hard enough, you'll be able to find out where. It's not a total secret. Secondly, I've only talked to her a few times over a couple years and really don't know her that well. Therefore, without specific proof, I'm not going to back up any claims although I have my opinions as do many others regarding her disappearance. Anyways...if Helen decides to 'formally' return someday, that's entirely up to her.
      Last edited by ; 09-09-2008, 12:34 PM.


      • #4
        I never been to active here of late and dont know what you refer to,why i stoped get regularly ehre was of lack of intrest in my work...

        For pink i arent shur sadly but i ehard she had soem issues what it was... i dunno,
        and for mab, i think she got buissy.
        Last edited by ; 09-14-2008, 09:22 PM.


        • #5
          Well for the record dude Ive never had a lack of interest in your work =D
          Final Fantasy 7


          • #6
            yer i havn't heard from her in a long time i use to chat to her on msn years ago like 2 or 3 then POOF she gone like a ghost..

            but i do hope she's feeling better now

