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Joe who?

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  • Joe who?


    uh wha- me? post something? Uhhh... yeah... *smack, smack* I'll get right on that.

    So apparently I've been asleep or dead or something for the past, oh... nice months I think. Something like that, so I suppose I should bring people up to speed on why the hell I dropped off the marble ever so long a ago and what I've been up to.

    Well let's see. In March my baby boy was born (second child! Woo!) which pretty much sapped up all my time. Seriously. All of it. Gone. Having two kids will do that to you. Not that I'm complaining, I love my kids and they come first which is the main reason I've been gone so long. That and I've since moved from Montreal. Yup, quit my previous job and hauled ass back to Ontario with the family. Where in Ontario? Well, it's a smaller city but I can still make a living animating and making video games. So it's all good. Really friendly and a lot slower pace then Montreal too. And the strange thing is, my wife and I find that we miss Montreal and even find that there are a lot of things that are better there. We're big in to organic foods and hippy, cloth diapers (for the baby, not ourselves) and the like and we're finding it hard to find these things in our new city. Oh, well, we'll get by. And the new job? It's super! Everyone is so happy to work at this studio it's crazy. It's so different then the previous studio I use to be at where everyone, EVERYONE, resented HQ. I feel so relaxed and calm at my new job. it's great ^_^

    As for what I've been doing, I've been in love with my tablet PC. I don't know if I've ever mentioned it before, but it's a ASUS R1F and it's all kinds of awesome. Seriously, at least 12 kinds. Anyway, I've been playing all kinds of games on it. I don't remember all of them and I still have lots to try out. I've done a huge run of hentai games. Played lots of my favorite May Queen again and the sequel May Queen: Afterwards. Sure it's got a dickgirl in it but it's still pretty hot. For the record, I'm not in to dickgirls or futa or what ever it's called, I do like the art and spooge rendering though. HOT! Then there's bunch more I should list too but I'm on my PC not my lap top right now. Oh, I'm trying to compile a list of adult MAME games too. I've played one called Dancing Eyes. It's like a Qix game on a grid where you have to cut away the clothes of some hot (sometimes) anime babe. Pretty cool ^_^

    I haven't drawn much though. Not much time. I want to try and get some stuff done soon but we''l see how time goes. I have a commission to finish off and then the winning pick for the Gwen contest. Yeah, I know... I'm so bad... I'll get things done some time. Plus there's the Gwen folio that's in the works. but I should probably get some one time shots done before I dive in to that again. Maybe jump in on that Pirate Jam thing to get the juices going.

    Well, I think that's it for now. Oh, I've loaded Albatross18 back on to my laptop so if anyone wants to hook up and play a few holes my id is Hondo. Maybe we should start up a Jab guild. That would be funny. A crew of filthy toon smut loven freaks out to play a few rounds of golf ^_^

    Later, I'll try and have a pic to post next time and answer other posts addressed to me.


    P.S. - So what's happened since I've been gone?

  • #2
    It's really good to see you around again, I know you don't have a lot of time to be here, but when you are it's greatly appreciated.

    As for what's happened, we're attending more cons now, AC, MFM, and FWA. Added a bunch more artists, upgraded the forum... and tried to recoup from the lull we've had lately.. It's nice to see people coming back now, I hope the trend continues.
    Cheetah - TJA Productions


    • #3
      Woo! Joe!! Our Canadian re-enforcement is back!
      Congrats on the newest addition to your family man!
      I'd like mornings better if they started later.


      • #4
        Yes, do indeed get back on Alba, Ive had you requested for a buddy since like June man! Myself and Ro and Cheetah are members there, so yeah definitely we should play when you have time =D

        Whoops bad me, Dreamers also there but hasnt played much, he was having trouble staying connected.
        Last edited by Nafruf; 10-11-2007, 11:32 AM.
        Final Fantasy 7


        • #5
          Congratulations on the child and welcome back!


          • #6
            Well let's see. I took off and came back myself, congrades on the child. So I can't really fill you in.


            • #7
              Whaddaya know? It's Joe!

              Congrats on all the life stuff! Hey so your back in Ontario, eh? I knew I sensed a disturbance in the force..... One I haven't felt in a long time...

              haha - just kiddin'!

              As for what's new with me? Hrmmm.... more pics of Scarlet and that's about it. Yup!

