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  • #31
    No big either way

    Originally posted by ksharbaugh View Post
    it's not like the presence of a button is in some way preventing them from typing.
    Which actually matters more: whether or not it's true, or whether or not artists believe it? I'm only going by what a few others have told me, and they may be in the minority. Personally I don't like them either, but if there's demand for it among the big contributors then it doesn't ruin anything for me.


    • #32
      While it's not a suggestion of a new area (I'd probably only bring up something that's been mentioned anyway), any chance of implementing tables to forum posts?

      My old thread had quite a decent table catalog with links to each story post for easy access. It was just a way to list and link everything nice and neatly, plus give a brief synopsis of what each story would include. While it's not a necessity, it's something I would like to have when I start posting my stories up here again (and on Pal too).


      • #33
        Originally posted by FairySlayer View Post
        Yes, definitely. A few artists told me they were disappointed when WWOEC adopted the "Thanks" button, so it would definitely be better to encourage people to use "Reply" instead.
        I've been frustrated with that issue since it started. I know quite a few artists/writers who feel the same way. Its fine to know that you're recognized for sharing something, but a simple reply with a thoughtful comment, however short, is much more encouraging than a apathetic click of a button. Even if its negative, at least I know that the commenter took the time to write it down instead of just giving a hollow "thanks."

        Originally posted by FairySlayer View Post
        As for negative criticisms, we just have to be very careful how "negative" is interpreted by others: a criticism pointing out problems with a piece or someone's work in general (what I'm sure you mean) is great. We don't want to falsely build anyone up, and most artists will accept it if done clearly out of good intent. But the simple "I don't like it" and "That's not any good" comments without further explanation will just drive artists away.
        As long it doesn't get personal or just malicious, I'll take it in stride. Almost any reply is better than none. Honestly, I would like to put in criticisms or praise myself if it deserves it. That's what reviews and comments are supposed to be for; to give people feedback. I do feel that I should be brutally honest in my comments without fear of being called a hater or jealous.

        On the other side of the coin, it can't be simply "Your art sucks!" or "You're God!" There shouldn't be a "hugbox" mentality (as DLT had coined) or a hostile environment here. It should be fair and balanced. If artists/writers can't take some criticism, they shouldn't post anything.


        • #34
          Originally posted by sniperm1d View Post
          Even if its negative, at least I know that the commenter took the time to write it down instead of just giving a hollow "thanks."
          A "hollow 'thanks'" is still more than nothing, which is what a lazy person will do if you leave typing a response as the only option. They'll see the work, enjoy it, and move on with the artist never knowing it was even seen by them, much less appreciated.


          • #35
            Originally posted by sniperm1d View Post
            I've been frustrated with that issue since it started. I know quite a few artists/writers who feel the same way. Its fine to know that you're recognized for sharing something, but a simple reply with a thoughtful comment, however short, is much more encouraging than a apathetic click of a button. Even if its negative, at least I know that the commenter took the time to write it down instead of just giving a hollow "thanks."

            As long it doesn't get personal or just malicious, I'll take it in stride. Almost any reply is better than none. Honestly, I would like to put in criticisms or praise myself if it deserves it. That's what reviews and comments are supposed to be for; to give people feedback. I do feel that I should be brutally honest in my comments without fear of being called a hater or jealous.

            On the other side of the coin, it can't be simply "Your art sucks!" or "You're God!" There shouldn't be a "hugbox" mentality (as DLT had coined) or a hostile environment here. It should be fair and balanced. If artists/writers can't take some criticism, they shouldn't post anything.
            I don't think the problem was an issue of artists not being able to handle criticism. So much as there were a few artists that, by no fault of their own, had a sort of click of followers that would sometimes get a little too protective and would gang up on people that were critical of the artist.

            that kind of thing can happen anywhere, no matter how the rules are structured.
            Terra Branford sez.
            It's springtime why not have a picnic in my grassy meadow.


            • #36
              Originally posted by ksharbaugh View Post
              A "hollow 'thanks'" is still more than nothing, which is what a lazy person will do if you leave typing a response as the only option. They'll see the work, enjoy it, and move on with the artist never knowing it was even seen by them, much less appreciated.
              Then, personally, I'd rather have nothing and move on.

              Originally posted by IIHTARW
              I don't think the problem was an issue of artists not being able to handle criticism. So much as there were a few artists that, by no fault of their own, had a sort of click of followers that would sometimes get a little too protective and would gang up on people that were critical of the artist.

              that kind of thing can happen anywhere, no matter how the rules are structured.
              That's still wrong. A lot of great artists/writers I know don't like the "lets all get along hugbox" mentality in WWOEC and had left or don't join. It isn't encouraging or fair not being able to have some constructive criticism placed on somebody else's work (if deserved) without being set upon by their groveling fanboys. I just happen to agree with that sentiment.


              • #37
                Originally posted by sniperm1d View Post
                That's still wrong. A lot of great artists/writers I know don't like the "lets all get along hugbox" mentality in WWOEC and had left or don't join. It isn't encouraging or fair not being able to have some constructive criticism placed on somebody else's work (if deserved) without being set upon by their groveling fanboys. I just happen to agree with that sentiment.

                Well now is time to start a new
                Cheetah - TJA Productions


                • #38
                  Originally posted by IIHTARW View Post
                  IMO The thanks button actually does the opposite of what you seem to be saying it does. I believe it's getting the lurkers to at least do something to make it visible to you that they liked your work...
                  I agree, It's nice to get feedback & a little ego massage but if repliers don't have anything constructive or useful to say, a thanks button does the job without cluttering up the thread for no good reason. I find it annoying to check out threads with new posts only to find it's just twenty single word replies saying "thanks" (or, even worse "thx"). I used to admin at a site (vipersden, now defunct) & on popular threads we'd end up with only one or two useful replies per page until we added a thanks button. It also made it easier, or at least quicker to weed out spam posts.

                  Originally posted by sniperm1d View Post
                  It isn't encouraging or fair not being able to have some constructive criticism placed on somebody else's work (if deserved) without being set upon by their groveling fanboys. I just happen to agree with that sentiment.
                  That can all too easily get out of hand. I once gave constructive criticism to a post (somewhere else, not at WWOEC - a poster kept using long complicated passwords to rar files & I suggested he make them simpler) & was mauled by one of the admins. After a long argument by PM (I think if it had been public he knew he would have looked ridiculous) we agreed to differ (well he did, I was just fed up arguing with the dick) this admin then modified the rules to say "constructive criticism is forbidden".
                  Last edited by maxedout; 02-24-2016, 05:59 AM.


                  • #39
                    That's still wrong. A lot of great artists/writers I know don't like the "lets all get along hugbox" mentality in WWOEC and had left or don't join.

                    It's funny how everybody seems to "know a great artist who left because insert personal beef."

                    I'll just get right to the heart of the matter here and leave it at that.

                    People abiding by rules, put in place to keep the forum from turning into a r34/4chanesq shit hole, where everybody is an anonymous asshat to each other, does not equate to a hugbox.

                    Constructive criticism was always allowed at wwoec, there were members there who were not afraid to give it, and did so correctly, without resorting to bashing the artist and leaving it at that.

                    99% of the time, when somebody says that they are "brutally honest", what they really mean is "I can't believe how popular this artist is, I won't be satisfied, unless I knock this guy down a peg in front of his fans." and it's that kind of thing that causes pushback from an artist's fanbase.
                    Terra Branford sez.
                    It's springtime why not have a picnic in my grassy meadow.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by IIHTARW View Post

                      It's funny how everybody seems to "know a great artist who left because insert personal beef."

                      I'll just get right to the heart of the matter here and leave it at that.

                      People abiding by rules, put in place to keep the forum from turning into a r34/4chanesq shit hole, where everybody is an anonymous asshat to each other, does not equate to a hugbox.

                      Constructive criticism was always allowed at wwoec, there were members there who were not afraid to give it, and did so correctly, without resorting to bashing the artist and leaving it at that.

                      99% of the time, when somebody says that they are "brutally honest", what they really mean is "I can't believe how popular this artist is, I won't be satisfied, unless I knock this guy down a peg in front of his fans." and it's that kind of thing that causes pushback from an artist's fanbase.
                      In the past, at the WWOEC Forum, I said nothing. Here I will BUT only if I like it. If I don't like, I'll say nothing. I'll not flame anyone. I'm very happy that there are people who can draw, color and write. You'll hear from me


                      • #41
                        Just wondering, does this forum have a Member list that is view-able by us lowly newbs? It would really help to track down old friends.
                        Terra Branford sez.
                        It's springtime why not have a picnic in my grassy meadow.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by IIHTARW View Post

                          It's funny how everybody seems to "know a great artist who left because insert personal beef."
                          Take it however you would please. I do know I'm speaking the truth.

                          Originally posted by IIHTARW View Post
                          I'll just get right to the heart of the matter here and leave it at that.

                          People abiding by rules, put in place to keep the forum from turning into a r34/4chanesq shit hole, where everybody is an anonymous asshat to each other, does not equate to a hugbox.

                          Constructive criticism was always allowed at wwoec, there were members there who were not afraid to give it, and did so correctly, without resorting to bashing the artist and leaving it at that.

                          99% of the time, when somebody says that they are "brutally honest", what they really mean is "I can't believe how popular this artist is, I won't be satisfied, unless I knock this guy down a peg in front of his fans." and it's that kind of thing that causes pushback from an artist's fanbase.
                          Well, I will agree that there are envious jerks out there that can't stand seeing somebody getting a lot of attention and praise. And there are the trolls, too. But there is a difference between someone who has a valid criticism of an artist and someone who has a personal beef with the artist because they're jealous of their status. Bashing the artist for the sake of it is just assery.

                          I'm all for keeping the peace, but I shouldn't be afraid to say something that might get someone all butthurt over it.


                          • #43
                            A thanks button is still handy if you're too worried if a particular artist might not appreciate what you had to say, but even if it had good intentions. That way a thanks button is handy for playing it safe.

                            A number based score would be much worse, particularly if it becomes abused by haters or trolling behavior and people start arguing over who disliked it and downvoted the picture.
                            Last edited by NOCRUORO; 02-24-2016, 09:02 PM.


                            • #44
                              This has gone way out of the ball park.. shutting it down thanks guys n gals, we'll get it set up!
                              Cheetah - TJA Productions

