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Problems viewing TJAlite galleries

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  • Problems viewing TJAlite galleries

    I can get to the artist's main gallery, but not the specific ones. Example:
    Home » TJA Member Galleries » DarkDP contains all of DarkDP's galleries, but
    Home » TJA Member Galleries » DarkDP » Kim Possible only gives a message saying "This category does not contain any images." even though there should be 83 images. And that happens on every artist gallery, not just DarkDP's.
    Any help?

  • #2
    Originally posted by Pioshinon View Post
    I can get to the artist's main gallery, but not the specific ones. Example:
    Home » TJA Member Galleries » DarkDP contains all of DarkDP's galleries, but
    Home » TJA Member Galleries » DarkDP » Kim Possible only gives a message saying "This category does not contain any images." even though there should be 83 images. And that happens on every artist gallery, not just DarkDP's.
    Any help?
    Strange I don't have that problem at all. I am not sure how to help you out. Are you typing in the adress to the galleries or clicking on the icons to get into the galleries?


    • #3
      Okay, well... It seems to be working fine now... I'm very confused. Thank you for your quick reply, Husk. I have no idea what happened. I didn't do anything differently.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Pioshinon View Post
        Okay, well... It seems to be working fine now... I'm very confused. Thank you for your quick reply, Husk. I have no idea what happened. I didn't do anything differently.
        I am glad to help some, and please call me JJ.


        • #5
          Originally posted by JJHusk View Post
          I am glad to help some, and please call me JJ.
          Super old post is old.. but with out new gallery system and new site design problems like these should remain a distant part of the past!
          Cheetah - TJA Productions

