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DISCUSSION: Disney vs Pixar

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  • DISCUSSION: Disney vs Pixar

    Pixar produced The Incredibles as an independent studio. A few years later it was bought by Disney. So, should we make the Incredibles thread here or in the Disney Forum?

    Actually what we should do, in my opinion, to avoid all that confusion as to who produced what, is to have one single "Movie" forum for ALL movie related toons, regardless of their origin. Separate threads within the forum would, of course, be dedicated to individual movies.

    This same structure should also be applied to TV Toons as well. One overall TV Toons forum, with separate threads for each TV show.

  • #2
    It would go in this forum, while Disney did buy them they still produce movies under the Pixar brand.

    Combining all the forums would be very inefficient because threads would get lost too easily, in the old wwoec forums the individual sections had no smaller than 5 pages of threads each iirc (i think disney and nick were pushing 8 pages)with 6 or 7 divisions, that would be 30-35 pages minimum if it were all in one forum and while we don't have that many threads yet i had to plan for the future as it would be extremely difficult to split everything up later on down the line.

    This forum section is the catch-all for movies, Disney movies go in to Disney because they produce so many movies and shows, the other networks don't generate enough movies so this forum section is here for those.

    Plus the same reason i split them up instead of waiting for more threads later is the same for combining them all, it would be extremely difficult and time consuming.

    I know it can be an inconvenience to have to do a little extra research, but putting a thread in the movie forum instead of the disney one or vice-a-versa because a company changed hands won't count against anyone, me or another mod will move it without repercussions.

