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11/7/09 - Familiar Face

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  • #31
    I'm sticking with the theory that it is someone we have not been introduced to as of yet. Either Rod's ex or a relative (sister, cousin...). It seems the whole "Rod is gay" thing started two years ago and I am still betting that it was because he seemed to lose all interest in chicas after getting harshly dumped by a former girlfriend and has been brooding over it since.

    We do know that the mystery dancer is a local girl as the announcer refers to her as a "homegrown flower" and her stage name is Honey-Bea. I went back over all the the comics looking for a hint as to who might be a local with an interest in flowers, you know how V and Chee like to hide Easter Eggs in the comics, but other than the possible bee costume on the dress mannequin at Thisisa's place I came up with nothing. Of course, I could have missed it...

    Where are those darn kids and that stupid dog when you need them...


    • #32
      Not much longer to wait now; I will give this much away - mystery dancer is definitely revealed this weekend.: )

      I could've probably have kept it hidden another week, buuuuuut... yeah.

      Some great detective work by some of you though, it made me so happy to see some of those theories. |D
      ~V.Kyrie (:* All real, all the time.


      • #33
        Originally posted by V.Kyrie View Post
        I could've probably have kept it hidden another week
        That would have caused me to laugh rather loudly... Just think of all the new theories we junior sleuths could come up with if you drop just the right hints and with an extra week to ponder the identity of the Mystery Dancer.

        However, if you deem it appropriate to reveal the Mystery Dancer this Caturday, so be it.


        • #34
          Originally posted by bradypodidae View Post
          We do know that the mystery dancer is a local girl as the announcer refers to her as a "homegrown flower" and her stage name is Honey-Bea. I went back over all the the comics looking for a hint as to who might be a local with an interest in flowers, you know how V and Chee like to hide Easter Eggs in the comics, but other than the possible bee costume on the dress mannequin at Thisisa's place I came up with nothing. Of course, I could have missed it...

          Where are those darn kids and that stupid dog when you need them...
          Oh, I forgot that, and that just might remove Alexia from the list as well, though we don't know where she grew up....
          Well, now an old girlfriend or one of Rods sisters could be quite plausible to. This is a most intriguing quest for the surprising truth.

          Does one of Rods sisters by any chance work part-time at a flowershop while taking a law degree?
          Last edited by ; 11-12-2009, 05:18 PM.


          • #35
            Makin' it More Convoluted...

            We really don't know who is a local and who isn't; it is never really mentioned anywhere I can find. We do know that Sarina and Manila moved into the neighborhood when Sarina was 4 (Manila's bio), but that doesn't mean they moved in from out of town. All of the cast could be locals.

            I was pretty set on the idea that Alexia was on a date at this time with Pretty Boy from the Paint-ball range until Protoon1 mentioned the possibility that Alexia was getting Pretty Boy's name & number for Rod. It appears Alexia does think Rod is gay ( , fourth panel). Even with that nice twist (thanks, Pro... grrrr!) I'm still sticking to my guns that it is someone new to the cast.
            Last edited by ; 11-12-2009, 09:18 PM. Reason: typo


            • #36
              Originally posted by V.Kyrie View Post
              Not much longer to wait now; I will give this much away - mystery dancer is definitely revealed this weekend.: )

              I could've probably have kept it hidden another week, buuuuuut... yeah.

              Some great detective work by some of you though, it made me so happy to see some of those theories. |D
              ~V.Kyrie (:*
              Well look forward to it.. would be mean if you took like 5 weeks to pan up to her fully. lol


              • #37
                Originally posted by bradypodidae View Post
                I was pretty set on the idea that Alexia was on a date at this time with Pretty Boy from the Paint-ball range until Protoon1 mentioned the possibility that Alexia was getting Pretty Boy's name & number for Rod. It appears Alexia does think Rod is gay ( , fourth panel). Even with that nice twist (thanks, Pro... grrrr!) I'm still sticking to my guns that it is someone new to the cast.
                If it turns out I'm right , I'll promise to keep my mouth shut at the next cliffhanger

                But I have to admit that I too, would love to see that it's someone new, like one of Rod's sisters.

                Edit: Just read through the Character discussions / questions for Rod... you mention the comment Jim makes, about Rod finally getting his penis back after two years, wondering if he's been in a failed relationship. And V.kyrie answers that she hopes to explain it a bit more before the end of this arc. Soooo it could be the ex dancing at the club
                Last edited by ; 11-13-2009, 03:32 PM.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Protoon1 View Post
                  If it turns out I'm right , I'll promise to keep my mouth shut at the next cliffhanger
                  Great Caesar's Ghost, Man! Don't do that! Otherwise I might get a little too smug for my own good! That "grrr" in my prior post was all in teasing.

                  Is it Saturday, yet?


                  • #39
                    LOL The wait is killin' me! Gaaaaah!


                    • #40
                      Sorry restless villagers, my mom's visit did a bit of a number on my schedule, the comic should be up by Sunday evening, so help me. Tho I'm hoping to at least finsih inking before I go to bed tonight so it may go up around noon.
                      ~V.Kyrie (:*
             All real, all the time.


                      • #41
                        Real Life Happens...

                        It's okay, V, we, well, I understand that real life does happen now and again. I hope you and your Mom had a great time and that she gave Balade a big seal of approval!

                        Thanks for the update; I may be able to get some sleep now.


                        • #42
                          Take your time! It'll get done when it gets done, and I know I'll enjoy it once it comes up. But not a minute sooner than it has to be. And I hope the visit went better than you expected!



                          • #43
                            Originally posted by bradypodidae View Post
                            Great Caesar's Ghost, Man! Don't do that! Otherwise I might get a little too smug for my own good! That "grrr" in my prior post was all in teasing.

                            Is it Saturday, yet?
                            Don't worry I kew you were kidding, me and my friends do this kind of stuff quite often, though I'm not always that good at letting people know when I'm kidding when writing.

                            [V.kyrie] As setriggs said, don't pressure yourself, real life comes first.
                            And for the comic, well we'll just enjoy the suprise that much more with some extra time waiting.... plus the extra time might give me a chance to decide which person I'm hoping is giving the lapdance, ex-girlfriend, seems quite likely after giving it some extra thought, though I can't help wishing for Alexia

                            Hope your mother liked visiting.
                            Last edited by ; 11-15-2009, 01:29 AM. Reason: correcting typos, not that it helps :)


                            • #44

                              I am willing to bet it's da da dum !!!!! Thisisa, look at the lower calf and thigh. plus she always seems to be thinking of something else. I have experience with Strippers they are always in a crappy mood except whuile showing off


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by V.Kyrie View Post
                                Sorry restless villagers, my mom's visit did a bit of a number on my schedule, the comic should be up by Sunday evening, so help me. Tho I'm hoping to
                                ~V.Kyrie (:*
                                Itīs okay, even if waiting starts to kill me. Just donīt stress yourself!

