Yes, boy and girls... You saw it here first! Welcome to the Svetlana Fan Club thread!
This is where you can join (just post and you're in!).
You should immediately bookmark this thread - it will be intense, exciting, action packed and a thrill a minute!
We'll ask questions like:
Will Jim get to bury his face in Svetlana's chest?
Will Svetlana ever bring her butcher husband to work?
Can Sari convince Svetlana that boob-tubes are the in-fashion for the modern seamstress?
Why hasn't Cheetah updated the 'Meet the Cast' page with his bear-princess?
Will Cyrillic take over from French as the language of Looovveeee?
Feel free to add your own questions.... (answers not guaranteed!)
This is where you can join (just post and you're in!).
You should immediately bookmark this thread - it will be intense, exciting, action packed and a thrill a minute!
We'll ask questions like:
Will Jim get to bury his face in Svetlana's chest?
Will Svetlana ever bring her butcher husband to work?
Can Sari convince Svetlana that boob-tubes are the in-fashion for the modern seamstress?
Why hasn't Cheetah updated the 'Meet the Cast' page with his bear-princess?
Will Cyrillic take over from French as the language of Looovveeee?
Feel free to add your own questions.... (answers not guaranteed!)