Nov 4 2012

How Many Games?

How big is your game collection?  I asked myself this the other day I as added one more to the list.  So I went down and counted what I have.  I was going to list them all by name, but that would take forever, so you get a number approximation.

NES – 35

SNES – 15

N64 – 9

GameCube – 14

Wii – 22

GameBoy – 20

GameBoy Advance – 15

DS – 28

3DS – 2

Dreamcast – 7

PlayStation 2 – 8

Neo Geo Pocket Color – 1

Total – 176

One or two might be missing here and there, but I’d say this is pretty close.  It’s interesting to see where I had more disposable money during console ownership.  Not all of those were bought new.  Some are second-hand.  I’d say about 1/4 of my NES games are used.  I also own all the original systems, plus some extras like a GameBoy Pocket, GameBoy Color and GBA SP.

I’m pretty happy with what I own.  I make pretty good decisions I think and only own a few lemons.  What’s the final tally on your game collection?