The next installment of the Senran Kagura series will be a spin-off for the PS Vita. They really seem to be going all out for this one too. You can even pick up a bundle that comes with cute little figures of the ninja ladies. They’re just too cute. Speaking of cute, the new character sure to turn my head. ^_^ If ninja’s looks this way when I was younger, I think I would have shown more interest in them.
I don’t buy anime figures. The only large figure I have is my Summer Time Peaches, but there are times where I’m seriously tempted. I found this one as I surfed around a few weeks ago. Does anyone recognize her? She’s from that Senran Kagura 3DS game, the one with the big boobs.
Senran Kagura, the 3DS game with sexy ladies with big boobs, is getting a promotional product to go along with it’s sequal. A box of tissues. You know… for clean up. Now that’s knowing your audience. ^_^
Remember that 3DS game that I mentioned before. It’s the fighting game with the boobs? Well it’s getting a sequel. From what I’ve found out Senran Kagura Burst will be similar to the first with an adventure part and an action part. Not sure what the difference is between the two, I think one is more mission based and the other is more character interaction. You’ll also be able to pick different outfits for your lady ninja’s which then can be damaged and ripped during combat.
So the other day I posted about Senran Kagura: Portrait of Girls for the 3DS. Well what better way to help promote the game then with a gallery showing some sexy arts. I’m not sure who the artists are for this or why exactly it was up, but regardless I would have been all over seeing this. Why… WHY don’t we get things like this over here?! Check out everything that I was able to find after the link.
So there is this game for the 3DS that had one thing in mind. Boobies. The games designer, Kenichiro Takaki, knew this what people wanted to see when it came to 3D games. Thus, Senran Kagura: Portrait of Girls was born. It’s a beat’em up game that doesn’t hide that fact that the girls all have huge boobs. In fact, it was designed to be that way! ~sigh… yet another game that won’t make it over here. Check out some pics and clip after the link.