OhmygodOhmygodOhmygodOhmygodOhmygodOhmygodOhmygod!!! Xseed is going to be porting over Senran Kagura (the boobie brawer) for North American shores. It’ll be sold over Nintendo’s 3DS eShop and not in stores. That’s fine by me, I will totally be buying this title day one. Here’s the trailer for the English port. Now I just need a larger SD card for my 3DS…
You know that 3DS/PSV sexy ninja game I’m always talking about? Senran Kagura? Yeah, that one. Well, Funimation has licensed it to make an anime out of it. True story! And you can watch it on You Tube, but there’s a catch. Two really. You have to watch it at You Tube. I’m not allowed to embed it here and you must have be signed in to You Tube because of all the suggestive material. So yeah… go get signed up so you can watch. I know I will. ^_^
The next installment of the Senran Kagura series will be a spin-off for the PS Vita. They really seem to be going all out for this one too. You can even pick up a bundle that comes with cute little figures of the ninja ladies. They’re just too cute. Speaking of cute, the new character sure to turn my head. ^_^ If ninja’s looks this way when I was younger, I think I would have shown more interest in them.
It’s been announced that the 3DS busty ninja game, Senran Kagura will be making its way to the PS Vita. The game will be called Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus and will be the beginning of a new series under the title rather than a sequel to the 3DS games. Nothing other than the title, the release date (Feb 28th 2013) and the price Â¥ 6980 (US$89) have been announced so there’s no screen shots or anything.
What’s pretty exciting about all this is that the PS Vita is region free, so that means that people here will be able to import it. Unless it’s a download game. Then we’re all screwed again.
Tissues, ice cream and energy drinks. What do these things have in common? They’re all products that have used as promotional tie ins with 3DS game Senran Kagura Burst. The energy drink is the newest one… sort of. Apparently when the first Senran Kagura came out the energy drink was also a promo item one could buy. But this isn’t any energy drink. It’s claim is that it’ll help you get a boner after your first “victory” so you’re ready for round two. Continue reading
I’ve made more than a few posts about Senran Kagura Burst. The sequel to the 3DS fighting game which focuses on… well… boobs. 3D boobs. First there was the tissue box promotional item, now there is the double ice cream dessert. This ample treat will be at Akihabara’s Cafe Euro from the 10th to the 19th. I need to scoop my ice cream with more cleavage.