Jun 16 2012


As I mentioned before, my home will be going under renovations.  Correction, is under renovations.  Today carpet was pulled up in the basement to prepare it for the new carpet.  When ever you start to pull up, remove or break through things in a house you get to see all the problems that others before you tried to cover up or did incorrectly.  Some are big, some are small and some are just plain “why the hell did they do that”.  For example, in the basement downstairs, they screwed the sink vanity to the wall… from the other side of the wall in the hall. o_O We also discovered that they laid the tile down wrong in the shower which has resulted in leaks over the year and completely rotted out the wood.  Ugh… more problems = more money.  We’ve got a good contractor though so I know it’ll all work out.

I’m not a handy man so I only help out where I can.  I have done a few odd jobs around the house.  I can paint a room, switch a overhead light to ceiling fan.  I’ve put up shelves in a nook, switched out bathroom faucets and even replaced a toilet.  Just odd jobs, nothing like a major renovation. Are you a handy person or would you rather hire someone to do the job?