Nov 21 2012

I Fixed It!

I’m sure that most have noticed that for the past… week, my blog was gone.  We seemed to have a slight mishap behind the scenes and the whole thing went kaput.  I honestly thought that I’d have to start this whole thing over again, because everything I did resulted in nothing.  My last resort was to take everything down and put up an old, old, oooollllddd version of the blog.  I mean… from back in January.  So I did, but when I did WordPress yelled at me and said my database was out of date and so was my WordPress itself.  So I pressed the button, updated everything and to my surprise… the whole blog was there and totally up to date post wise.  I was totally shocked.  I did have to reinstall some plug-ins and put back some of the most current pics, but I think everything is up and running again.

If anyone sees any thing out of place, just let me know.  People might want to check to make sure they can log in if they’ve registered for anything.