Influence Map
So I found this the other day when checking my stuff on Deviant Art. “What a wonderful idea” I thought. Not only is it a great way to reflect on what inspires you to draw, but it also allows other to get to know the artist a bit better. It was fun to look at who I am and what I draw from as an artist.
I find that I don’t really inspire from shows, movies or music as such but more from other artists and ideas. I feel divided as I love video games and design (pixel art and all) on one side with sex and naughty cartoons on the other. I do have a love for taking photos, but I lack the time and nice camera to fully go in to that. When I do have the opportunity though, I very much enjoy it.
The map was done buy Fox-Orian and you can see his here and download a PSD of the map here if you’re interested in doing one yourself.  ^_^