Jul 30 2012

Pony Fighter

I don’t know about you, but I love indie games.  I love that we can now have awesome games made buy people that love gaming rather then large companies.  These small gems can be even better and/or gain more attention then even the larger titles.  I always amazes me the level of quality and perfection that one can put into something they’re passionate about.  The latest indie title I’m very impressed with is the My Little Pony: Fighting is Magic game in development by Mane6 using 2d Fighter Maker 2002.  I mean, if I didn’t say anything, you’d probably think this was an official game and not a fan made one.  It’s pretty damn crazy with it’s twitch style fighting akin to Capcom’s VS. series.  I would totally play this as it looks like a ton of fun and the animations are top notch for sure.  As is the ponies attacks and supers.  It’s not done yet, but when it is it’ll have a roster of 17 ponies which is pretty damn impressive.  The lower clip is a full 2 hours of that game as it currently is.  You can see the Street Fighter 4 inspired character portraits

Since we’re on the topic of ponies.  What’s everyone’s opinion of pony art being delivered in my typical naughty fashion?  Or is everyone on pony overload?

Jul 6 2012

Polymorphous Perversity is out!

Wow!  I never noticed that Polymorphous Perversity is out!  Quick, everyone go download it and try it out.  I’ll see if I can put time aside to try it too and we’ll review it together in a later post.

May 9 2012

Polymorphous Perversity

As soon as I saw this indie game, I had to post about it.  Polymorphous Perversity is a full on XXX RPG with old school graphics.  The game sounds sort of a interactive experiment in the players sexuality.  Where most games elude and dance around the topic of sex, this will put you right in the thick of it and let the player explore their own decisions regarding sex, both the fun side and the very dark side of desire.  But lets not forget that this is still a game,  RPG to be exact.

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