Nov 26 2012

Hump Pillow

I’m sure that we’ve all heard of hug pillows, or as they are called in Japan “dakimakura”.  They’re usually marketed to geeks so they can pretend sleep, or dry hump, with cute anime girls.  Well now you don’t have to dry hump those pillows because now there really are hump pillows!  Actually it’s called a Kuu-Pillow .

Think of it as a flat, inflatable sex doll with a slot for a Fleshlight toy.  Then you cover it up with your favorite anime pillow case and your ready to go.  I guess you’ll have to cut a new hole in your pillow case so you can use the toy, but if you’ve come this far, it shouldn’t be an issue.  That or you have a spare case.  Regardless, this seems to be more of an adult toy and not really intended for the regular geek markets.  Because from what I understand, its women that really love hug pillows as it helps them get a good night sleep and they have a far larger variety then just the covers.  Plus their pillows have less clean up too I would imagine. ^_^

What’s really bothering me is the art on the box looks familiar.  I wish I could place the artist… this is really going to bug me. o_O