Oct 30 2012


It’s Halloween!  Well, it might now be as I post this but by the time most read this it will be.  So let’s have one more spooky post.  Do you believe in ghosts?  Have you ever had a ghastly experience?  Laugh if you must, but I do believe in ghosts and spirits.  I have since I was a kid.  I remember reading lots of books about the paranormal in the school library.

Unfortunately, I have never seen or experienced a ghost.  I did have a strange moment about 9 years ago though.  We had to put down our beloved beagle Pheobe (Bernard’s Mum) only two to three days earlier.  I woke up in the night and listened to a dog get up off the dog pillow and walk out of the room.  Seconds later, the I could hear the noise of a sleeping dog still in the room.  Wife just happened to be awake too and I asked her if she heard a dog get up and leave the room.  She said that she did.  I then asked if Bernard was still on his pillow.  She leaned over and checked and confirmed that he was.  I then asked… so who left the room?  I’m sure others can say that I must have heard Bernard walk in to the room and lay down.  I can absolutely say that I 100% heard the paw steps of a dog exit the bedroom door that night.  I also never heard the sound enter the room again.

Do you have a ghost story to share?