May 7 2013

Geek Chic

When did being a geek become trendy or… normal.  When I was a kid, others made it their job to let you know that it wasn’t cool being nerdy.  I’m not saying that that doesn’t happen today, but it looks more widely accepted then a few decades ago.  I wonder this because I was out for free comic book day on the weekend I saw quite a lot of cute geek girls.  That for sure  didn’t happen when I was a teenager.  Although, if I was younger, I’d probably strike out with the trendy geeks too.  Anyhoo, all this thinking made me realize that I’ve never drawn a character with glasses.  So there you go.  One adorable geek girl. ^_^

Sep 13 2012

Self Loather

Here’s an interesting fact about me.  I hate talking geek outside my house and work.  It’s always been something that I’m just not comfortable with.  I mean, I realize that I’ve always been a geek.  I draw cartoon porn.  I play and make video games.  I’m not athletic in any way, shape or form.  I fit the role quite nicely.  But I feel that it’s a side of me (a rather large side) that I don’t need to showcase to everyone.  I know some people are just fine with talking geek out in public (Dr. Who, Xbox, Comics) and that’s great.  It’s just not for me.  Maybe deep down I’m not comfortable with who I am and so I’m trying to hide it from the world.  Maybe I’m afraid I’m going to get teased and laughed at.  What ever the reason, I always keep my geek in check when I’m out.  Mostly… sometimes it slips out.