Mar 16 2013

More Faces

Sorry for the lack of posts as of late.  I’ve been pretty busy with extra work and such which has been taking up most of my extra time.  I enjoy taking on projects for extra cash if it gets me to Disney again sooner. ^_^ I  think I currently have three extra projects on the go.  That means more late nights then I’d care for, but it’ll be worth it.  In the mean time, I’ll have to survive with some free time face doodles.  I did these up recently and thought I’d share them.  Laters. ^_^

Mar 9 2013

Face Doodles

Over the past few weeks I’ve started to practice drawing cartoon faces.  I feel that I’m sort of weak in that area.  I don’t think I put enough variety in my heads.  So what I’m doing is drawing a random shape and then making a face and head out of it.  It’s a fun challenge and keep me doodling at random times, which is something I also don’t do much.  I’ve liked the results so far, so much in fact that I’ve decided to show some.  I’ll probably do so again from time to time when I get some good ones.