Aug 4 2012

Where have I been?

So remember a few days ago when I made a post about camping?  Well… that’s where I was.  I set up some scheduled posts and took off to the “great” outdoors.  I’m not the best camper in the world.  Too much dirt and outdoorsy stuff for my tastes, but I go and I have a good time.  The weather this time was perfect and the park itself was very nice.  The bonus is that we went before the August long weekend happened so we missed all the crazy people looking to take advantage of the 3 day weekend. Continue reading

Aug 1 2012


Who here likes camping?  Anyone… anyone?  My family and I go once a year during the summer.  Not a long camping trip mind you.  Four days is about average for us.  Oh and we don’t trek out to the middle of nowhere, we go to the provincial parks in our area and camp there.  They have flush toilet stations scattered about and proper beaches too so it’s not hardcore roughing it.  Friends of ours took us out hardcore camping one year.  They drove us so far North in to the sticks I didn’t think I’d see civilization again.  We couldn’t even get a radio station!  No sir, not for me.  I can barley handle regular camping most of the time.  I don’t care for the outdoors much.  Too much dirt and… outdoor stuff.  But I go because my family really enjoys it.  I would never stay home and let them go with out me.

Do you enjoy camping and if so, how hardcore are you?