Oct 26 2012

What Scares You?

Since we’re getting close to Halloween lets talk about what scares us.  Don’t hold back.  It can be something very serious or something totally absurd.

For me, I’m totally afraid of spiders.  It started when I was little and I saw a zoomed in photo of a spider head.  I screamed and threw the magazine and was terrified of them ever since (I’m getting better though).  I’m afraid of confrontations and I usually try to avoid them when ever possible.

Larger fears I have are, I’m afraid of losing my family to any sort of accident.  I watched my Dad as he went through the loss of his girlfriend at the time.  It was very rough on him.  I’m also very terrified to die.  I’ll sometimes keep myself awake at night worrying and thinking about my last moments and when they might be.

Crazy fears are… I’m afraid of waking up one day to realize something it different.  Could be something like, someone doesn’t exist and never did or my job is something different or I don’t have any kids so something like that.  The kicker is, I’m the only one that knows that something is different.  I know, I know… it’s crazy and very twilight zone.  Also, thanks to The Walking Dead, I’m afraid of zombie outbreaks.  I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t last long so it’s not very comforting to think I’m could be devoured by the undead.  *shudder*

What scares you?