Jun 25 2012

Bikini Pre-Order

Are you pre ordering Dead or Alive 5?  No?  Would some in game bikini’s change your mind?  According to the official news, “bunny style” swimwear will be given to those that pre-order the game.  Amazon orders will receive DOA Devil suits for Christie, Tina and Ayane and Gamestop orders will get the DOA Angels suits for Kasumi, Leifang and Hitomi.  Although Gamestop buyers can also opt for the $79.99 special collectors edition of DOA5 which comes in a steel case, bikini’s for all the lady characters, a hard cover book with all kinds of sexy pictures and a copy of the games soundtrack.  Are ya interested in the pre-order now?  Heck, I just want to see more pictures like the one above. ^_^