Dec 7 2012

Artist Showcase: Kotobuki Shirou

Today I discovered a truly amazing artist.  His name is Kotobuki Shirou and the story of how he got to be an artist is truly inspiring.  Over 15 years ago he was in an accident that left him a quadriplegic which only allows him movement from the neck up.  As part of his rehabilitation, the doctors insisted that he take up drawing.  From the stories I’ve gathered, this is common and the doctors won’t take “no” for an answer.  Continue reading

Jun 1 2012

Artist Showcase: Arsemaus

So the other day when I was checking out my fellow artists here at TJA, I found this one.  His name is Arsemuse and when I saw the art he has produced, I was instantly loved it. The things that struck me the most was the way he draws eyes, the line work of the piece and the fun poses he has.

All the characters are adorable and in such fantastic poses.  It’s not always easy to pose cartoony characters.  They usually have strange proportions like larger hips longer legs and such, but Arsemuse seems to do it with ease.  Something I see that I could learn from him.

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