Dec 4 2012

American Food

While I was at work today, Wife took at trip across the border for some holiday shopping.  When ever she goes over, the only rule we have is that we have to buy some crazy American food stuffs.  I say crazy because there are so many strange “foods” on your shelves.  Things that we don’t get here in Canada (which is why I love doing Snack Swaps).  Take for instance the above picture.  It’s probably one of the tamer food items she brought back, but not the first “cupcake” flavored thing to enter the house (cupcake flavored ice cream topping anyone?).  We don’t really get the cookie Goldfish here.  We get some, but it’s mostly the cracker flavors.  Let’s see what else Wife bought in the States. Continue reading

Apr 23 2010

Snack Swap #001

This, dear readers, is the first ever official Snack Swap post.

Some time ago we made an exchange with friends.  Some of our Canadian cookies and treats for some American ones.  The results where lack luster.  I proclaimed that all American candy sucks, put forth the idea of snack swap (a concept I dreamed up a year or so ago) and the challenge to prove me wrong.

Okay, so I wasn’t really looking to be proved wrong.  I know every place has their own snack foods, good and bad.  Lots of people came out and said that the ones we received where crap and that there are far better ones out there.  I was more then willing to start up snack swap with anyone that would step forward with a list of treats to trade.  Fucitol, from the DeviantArt community soon sent me a note with a list of snacks and asked if I was willing to swap for the items listed.  I picked the ones I’d never heard of and sent him a list of my own.  He made his choices, and so began the journey of snacks to new and exotic locals to be enjoyed (or not) by  strangers linked only by a shared curiosity of what junk other people eat.

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