Aug 31 2012

Allergy Season hits Hard!

Holy crap have my allergies kicked in this past week.  All I want to do when I’m not sneezing my face off, is rub and scratch the crap out of my eyes.  I’ve had people tell me that this year could be very bad for allergy sufferers like myself.  I guess all the super hot, dry weather we’ve had this summer has let the allergy weeds grow very well and the other plans not so much.  Wonderful.  I’m bad enough as it is.  I don’t need extra help with not sleeping because I can’t breathe at night during this time of the year.  So I guess the next few months will be sinus hell for me.  So if you’re out there suffering with fall allergies like I do, don’t worry, we’re in this together.

The first frost can’t come soon enough… ugh.