Mar 6 2010

Old games need love too

I’m the type of gamer that loves his old games. I have pretty much all the games I’ve ever bought in my life. I’m not the kind of person that will sell back an old game in exchange for a newer one. Why? Well, I love to replay older game ever now and again and remember just how awesome it was way back when.

The latest game I’ve pulled out of the collection is Advance Wars for GameBoy Advance. It’s been a looonnnggggg time since I’ve played this one, and even though I’m still currently playing Disgaea on DS, Advance Wars was just begging to be played.

I remember when that game never left my GBA SP. I’ve unlocked all the maps and such in the game but I did find out that there was somethings that I missed. Mostly just getting perfect scores on all the campaigns and such. As fan and great as the game is… I’m not about to try and get a perfect game. I will replay it though and try and beat some of my old scores. I’m also playing vs mode on the bus with a friend from work. Lots of fun! Makes me want to find some of the other versions and see if they’re just as fun. ^_^

I love going back and reliving old games. What games do you have in your collection that you’ve revisited recently or now have a desire to do so?

BUY: Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (Nintendo DS) $24.90