Okay, so this is the second Pokemon code request pic and I gotta say, I love it when you people ask for more Tinkerbell (and friends). I really makes me feel like I’m doing something right with her. I’m so glad that others enjoy her and want to see more. You people rock! Only one more request pic to go.
In other news, I’ve been busy trying to sell the other side of my art. The stuff that isn’t naughty. I’ve put up shops at Red Bubble and Society 6 and even started up a fan art page to sell myself a bit better and try to make some extra money too. It’s going okay. Slow, but okay. I have also put more thought in to a Patreon. Other artists and fans have told me that I don’t have to have a monthly set up, I can have it by update which would be pretty good since I don’t create art as much as others. Still gonna think about it. If it happens it won’t be until after New Years.
All this selling myself and my art is difficult for me to do. I’ve always had a low self-confidence with regards to what I do. I’ve gotten better, but I generally feel like I would just be bothering people with a Patreon or even doubt people would support me. I read an article the other day about how to be a “selfish artist”. That is, how to sell and talk about yourself to make you sound interesting without sounding like a jerk. Setting up the online shops for the SFW stuff is a big step for me. I hope it all turns out well.
Oops, sorry for hijacking this post for personal stuff. Any way… look! More naughty Tinkerbell! Yeah baby… ^_^
So I’m playing a game I recently got for my 3DS called Azure Striker Gunvolt and I came across this little fun piece of dialogue between the characters.
So it’s no surprise that I dig Disney stuff. It should also be no surprise that I own Disney Infinity (WiiU) and very much enjoy it. I was able to pick it up at a Costco for about $28 or so last year. It looked like they were clearing them out to make space for other things and just wanted them gone, so I helped them with that. I’ve bought a few more figures and love them very much. I haven’t bought any of the Story mode packs (Cars, Lone Ranger, etc…) due to funds. I hope I can get them before they disappear.
Of course now there is this new temptation. The 2.0 version is out and they have a Tinkerbell figure. I want it very much. I might just pick up the figure and hold on to it until I get the game so I don’t miss out. Friends of mine have already bought the game and love it. I will admit… I’m a bit jelly of them. Flaunting their 2.0 all up in my face. Did anyone else out there take the plunge at get Infinity?
I got this last min idea for Halloween. Of course with it being so close to the actual date I doubt I’ll get it done in time, but I can at least share some rough lines of it. I even made a cock version for the futa pony fans. Enjoy!
Being the Tinkerbell nerd that I am, I got really excited when I saw the new clip for the next Fairies movie. Of course the major news that goes along with this is that Fawn got a redesign. Personally… I like it. I’m glad I haven’t done any pics of her or I would feel obligated to update them. There is that one rough I did though a while back. I should pull that out again and finish it.