Apr 21 2015

Sick Today

So I’ve come down with the flu. Ugh… Had to call in and miss a day of work too. I guess I’ll try to relax with some hot chocolate and try and kick this thing.

Apr 11 2015

Supporter Request – Merida and Angus

The owner of this requested drawing was cool enough to give the thumbs up posting it around. So I thought… why not. I’ve never drawn Merida before so I it was a good challenge (holy crap, hair). The supporter really liked it and to be honest… yeah… I do too. Just some of the crazy things that happen over at the Patreon. ^_^

Apr 8 2015

More Ideas?

Sometimes when you’re in the middle of a current drawing you get ideas for ones down the road. It can be exciting when they all come in a rush but you have to stay focused and finish the piece you’re currently on. I did these up this morning before work and thought others might want to see them too. Back to request drawings and more Fawn and Tink over at the Patreon. ^_^

Apr 6 2015

Fawn Portrait

March’s Patreon supported pic is done and up! We’re running a theme as the supporters would like to see a series of pictures of the newly designed Fawn from The Legend of the Neverbeast. I honestly don’t mind at all. If you’re interested in seeing the progress and giving feedback then maybe my Patreon is for you.

Since last month I was able to pick up a copy of Tinkerbell – The Legend of the Neverbeast and I can say I think it’s the best of the series. I’m not shy to say that I cried at the end as did my whole family. It’s very well done and features Fawn pretty much for the whole movie with Tink and the others only being in the film when needed. Which I thought was great. They took a risk and expanded one of the lesser used fairies and really made her shine and filled out her character. Now, from what I know, this is the last Tinkerbell movie that Disney is going to produce. I hope this is only a rumor as I really feel they’ve hit their stride with this one. Only time will tell I suppose.

Mar 15 2015

Charlotte La Bouff – Request Drawing

One on my dear Patreons said it was cool for me to post up the line drawing request they received as part of their support.Thank you very much! If your interested in bossing me around and telling me what to draw, you too can receive one of these too. Just swing on by Joe’s Patreon… you’ll be glad you did.

Joe Randel’s Patreon of Suggestive, Pin-up and NSFW Arts.

Mar 9 2015

Learn About Me Monday – How Did You Learn to Draw?

So how did I learn to tame the pencil? Well, I think it comes naturally to me. See, my Mother is an artist and my Father is woodworker/craftsman so to work with my hands and esthetics feels very normal to me. While I always knew I could draw, it wasn’t until I was a young teen that I started to take an interest in it as a career. My high school teacher took my under his wing to teach me properly so I could make it in to what ever art school I chose. I decided to venture in to the world of animation. After high school I went to college and spend two fantastic years learning and training to be a classical animator. What that means is that I’ve been trained in traditional hand drawn animation rather than flash or computer. My life took me in to the world of video games rather than feature films though. A choice I don’t regret. I’ve worked in games for well over a decade now and still love it. I do wonder what my life might be like if I followed the other path in to film. Animation is something that I truly love and with the rise of amazing animated films… my heart does burn for the other side of things.

Oh well… maybe in the next life. Until then, I’ll have a blast doing what I do. ^_^