Jan 12 2016

Charlotte with a Mouthful

Hey, everyone! We’re back and I certainly hope everyone had a great holiday season. Mine went pretty good. It was stressful to have to travel with my dogs all over the place, but we did it and we all came out okay. Phew.

Now with the pleasantries out-of-the-way, I can present the first picture of the new year! Actually, it’s from the old year seeing as it’s a reward drawing from over at my Patreon. Charlotte la Bouff from the Princess and the Frog is a great sexy and comical character. Plus I like the era of clothing she gets to wear. Looks like she took on more than she could handle with this one. ^_^

Dec 23 2015

Sawyer in an Ugly Sweater

I think she’s still cute, regardless of the sweater. I think this is the last of the Holiday pictures. I think… Have a good one peoples and I’ll see ya next year!!! ^_^

Dec 22 2015

Wishing You a Very Peri Christmas!

Was able to finish up my Periwinkle picture just before Christmas showed up. I was afraid I wasn’t going to make it. I so glad that I did and I’m very, very happy with how well she came out. I made just a simple background that allowed me to focus on the Peri and I just love it. I think it’s a great way to end a year of fairy pics. I hope everyone enjoys it too and has a great holiday season!

Check out my Patreon to follow the pictures progress and have a say in what gets drawn next!

Dec 22 2015

Merry Christmas from Clarice

After drawing the one Clarice picture a while ago,I really wanted to draw her again. What better time then the holidays? Especially since I follow a tumblr blog that post nothing but pictures of the costume character from Disneyland Tokyo. That’s some good reference I tells ya. Did you know they dress that character up in holiday outfits? She even has a cute Christmas one. It covers more than what I’ve got here. ^_^

Dec 21 2015

It’s Christmas Time Dear

Or would that be a Christmas time deer? I think I’m good either way. ^_^

Thanks to the supporter that lets me draw his characters all naughty like! Happy Holidays everyone!!

Dec 18 2015

Midna’s Great Hair Day

I have here a Midna pic requested by a fellow Patreon supporter. Which is kind of awesome because I’ve wanted to try drawing her for some time now but just haven’t gotten around to it. Maybe next time she can be with wolf Link, because I’m a freak like that.

So a lot of artists out there that are doing the Patreon thing and asking for support and funding for the art they draw. I’m sure that many of you wonder what happens to the money they earn. Well, I’ll be honest with what happens to your support money to me. It goes to my vet bills. I have two 14 year old Beagles and I treasure them dearly. One of them lived with my in-laws until they couldn’t have him any more due to a move. The other we’ve had since he was born in our apartment oh so long ago. We also had their Mom too so they’re litter mates and love being together again. The one that came from my In-laws currently has a tumor on his bladder. It’s a slow growth tumor and he’s on medication for it. Even though he has cancer, you wouldn’t know it because he’s happy all the time. His brother has a abscess tooth and other mouth issues and needs to have some dental surgery to fix them. You’re funding goes directly to helping my geriatric dogs and I can’t say thank you enough. I don’t know for how much longer I will have them, but I want to do all I can to make sure they have a good end of life experience. So thank you again to everyone that has been supporting me over at the Patreon. I am indebted to you all.