Mar 14 2016

Judy Hopps – Carrot Pen Pleasure

Requested again from a Parteon peep, it’s everyone favorite bunny Judy Hopps. This time having some extra fun with that carrot pen of hers. I should try drawing some of the other characters from Zootopia. They all have such a wonderful design to them. ^_^

Mar 11 2016

Her Cup Runneth Over

A while a go I conducted a poll over on my Patreon to see what other types of drawings the supporters would like to see. There was an over whelming number of people who wished to see more fairy work and other Disney characters. The other portion of people wanted to see more original stuff. This is my attempt to fill that order. I don’t usually draw my own characters. I do so enjoy drawing others, but I should be in the habit of drawing and working my design skills. This design/idea was picked by the Patreon supporters from a large showing of my old sketches and doodles.

I really like the clothing and setting of different cultures both here and long past, so I think I’ll work that more in to what I draw with my own characters. I like this character too, but I feel that she needs more exploration on her design to make her really stand out. Enjoy everyone!

Feb 21 2016

Oh Judy… Jetson

Super props to the Patreon requester of this one. It’s still a Judy pic… and still animal themed… just different. Totally my jam.

Feb 17 2016

Miranda from Wakfu

I only know of Wakfu. I’ve never played or watched it. I know the characters are quite appealing, so I was quite happy to have this as a Patreon request. I hope I did her justice for the fan base.

I Make Eye Candy!

Feb 15 2016

Oh Judy!!

Gotta get on that naughty Judy Hopps train! She’s such a cute character. I can see me drawing more of her. I can’t wait for Zootopia! It looks so great. I hope it holds up to the trailers. It’s getting me in the mood for sexy furries again.

Feb 10 2016

Sexy Vidia!

Vidia is one of the fairies that I care for the least. She just doesn’t jive with me. So taking on her as a subject was a nice challenge. Gotta make her sexy… how do I make her sexy… I think I in the end I pulled of exactly what I wanted to get out of her. I love the attitude this one has and the lighting came out great too. Yay! Mission accomplished. ^_^