
So who remembers Road to Eldorado? For those that don’t, it was a non Disney animated movie back in 2000. I remember only seeing the film once. I do remember liking the movie, but mostly I remember Chel. She had a cute design to her and super large hips. An attribute that I totally like. I’m quite glad she was the chosen topic of interest from May’s Patreon! Woo! Thanks go out to all the supporters and for making such an awesome choice.
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4 comments | tags: chel, nsfw, Road to Eldorado | posted in art, naughty

It’s always a joy to draw Sawyer for people. She has such wonderful lines and shapes. I think I could draw her forever and not be board.
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3 comments | tags: nsfw, sawyer | posted in art

Looks like someone got caught with their pants down! I shall not complain though. ^_^
Interested in seeing more? Stop by my Patreon and check out what’s on the drawing board.
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1 comment | tags: fairy, nsfw, periwinkle, tinkerbell | posted in art

I was happy to be given the opportunity to keep working on the design of the Egyptian kitty through one of my Patreon supporters. I can’t say thank you enough for that. I do like what I’ve done so far with her. Hopefully, I can continue to explore this character and turn her in to a regular. I guess I might want to think of a name for her. ^_^
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7 comments | tags: catgirl, egypt, nsfw, original | posted in art, naughty

Okay people, I want to do another Snack Swap for this summer. What is a snack swap you might be asking? It something I thought up a few years ago. What happens is this… if you’re interested, you can contact me and let me that you want in. Then we both buy up a bunch of snacks and we mail then to each other and enjoy. The whole idea is to try different snack and treats from different areas of the world. It’s lots of fun. If you send me snacks from your area I’ll send you some from where I live… Canada! Woo hoo for Canadian treats! So if this sparks your interest, sent me a message and we’ll get down to business. Here’s the catch though. I would love for you to live some place outside of North America. Last time I did a swap with someone in Mexico and it was awesome! So I’d like to try other worldly treats. Here are the previous swaps I did so you can see how it all works. ^_^
Snack Swap #001 – America!
Snack Swap #002 – Mexixo!
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9 comments | tags: snack swap | posted in eveyday life

Someone from the Patreon requested more Crysta. I’m happy to oblige of course. How can you not want to draw more of her. Plus I like drawing characters that get little screen time or have become forgotten. ^_^
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1 comment | tags: crysta, fairy, furngully, nsfw | posted in art, naughty