Oct 11 2016

Sexy Weasel Request

I thought this request was great. Sometimes it’s just the idea of sexy without showing things that really sells it. I think this weasel sure does sell it. Thanks requester!

If you dig this, then you might be interested in supporting me at my Patreon where you can see rough drawings, sketches and be involved in what drawings will come next.


Oct 6 2016

Fawn’s Fanny

September was a fairy month over the Patreon and it was voted from a collection of rough ideas that Fawn should have the spot light. I was happy to show off her rear end and I think others where happy to see it. ^_^

If you dig this, then you might be interested in supporting me at my Patreon where you can see rough drawings, sketches and be involved in what drawings will come next.

Oct 4 2016

Snack Swap #003 – U.K.

Snack Swap happened again this year and this time it was with a U.K. follower. They reached out once the call was put forth, and from there we gathered up some tasty treats from each others side of the pond and sent them off. Come on and check out what was had on this latest Snack Swap!

Where to start… I think these will do very nice. I think of this collection we liked the Monster Munch best. Which was quite a surprise. We expected that to be the worst. But my family and I loved them! The Sun Bites are like our Sun Chips, so that one was a bust. I remember liking the Fruit Pastilles and Banana Split Eclairs. They are similar to a candy my grandma used to have which made me very happy. The fruit gummies where quite good too.

Next selection of candy are the chocolate bars… mostly. The Sherbet was um… interesting. Needless to say it was not a will liked treat. The turkish delight was also not a favorite… except with me! I loved it. But then, I do love me some turkish delight. You don’t get that very often in Canada. The rest where pretty standard and well liked by all. There is one in the bunch we get here though. Crunchie! That’s okay, we gobbled it up just the same.

The Happy Hippos where well liked, but then again, we like Kinder products in this house. Never seen those before though. The Mr. Kipling cakes only his 50% of the likes. I thought they where good, others thought they where too sweet.Everyone liked the caramel wafer cookies though. Mmmmm… ^_^

Okay, I’ll be honest. I was quite scared with the Haribo gummies. I’ve heard some scary things about them. Massive stomach cramps and all that. But we put on a brave face and tried them out. Quite good. They seemed a bit thick/tough compared to gummies we get. But the taste was okay and we enjoyed them all.

Okay, these chips are amazing. Easily my favorite things in the box. They where a nice thick cut chip with not too much flavor or salt. I might just have to find more of these over here.

What joy! We got real English tea! This made me and my wife very happy. We ate them with the Scottie Dogs and Jaffa Cakes. Yum! I still have the afternoon sweets at my work desk for when the sweet mood strikes.

Last was these assorted candies. I think the winner in this bunch is the Black Jack. I like black licorice but my family isn’t such big fans. Shockingly enough… we liked it! I’m pretty particular with my licorice flavors, but this was fun and sweet and I think a little citrus. The Fruit Salad on the other hand… ugh. I thought it tasted like soap.

So what did I send to the U.K. in exchange? Let’s have a look.

These are some of my favorites. I love the Big Turk, which is like a turkish delight chocolate bar and the Wunderbar. I LOVE Sweedish Berries and the rockets are from my childhood. In the States, they’re called Smarties.

I can’t get enough Hickory Sticks. A thin sliced chip and Hawkins Cheezies are made in my home town.

With out a doubt, these are very Canadian chip flavors. Dill Pickle can be found in other locations, but Ketchup is purely Canuck through and though.

All Dressed chips are also very Canadian and some red and white potato chips because they’re fun and made on the east coast of Canada.

Laura Secord is a Canadian icon that was in the War of 1812. She has nothing to do with the chocolate though. Oh well… it’s still good. ^_^

Maple cookies because everything maple is awesome. ^_^

Finally, some real. honest to goodness maple candies made right here in Canada. Because nothing says Canada like maple. Did I mention that maple is awesome?

So there you have it! The swap the crossed the pond. I loved the experience of trying out snacks and candies from around the world. Maybe next time you might be interested in having such marvelous Canadian treats in post box near you. Thanks for checking it out, and thanks to the U.K. swapper. I hope they liked all I sent them. ^_^


Oct 4 2016

Callie Briggs Request

Some sexy Callie Briggs is up on the request list this time. Thanks goes out to the Patreon supporter that asked for her. ^_^

If you dig this, then you might be interested in supporting me at my Patreon where you can see rough drawings, sketches and be involved in what drawings will come next. ^_^

Oct 4 2016

BJ Brittany

It’s been a long while since I’ve done any Chipettes art. That’s a crying shame it is. I have a rough drawing sitting around for a few month of Brittany give Dave (?) a nice knob polish. I guess it’s time to share it rather than keep her to myself. Enjoy. ^_^

Sep 27 2016

Otter OC

I always like the challenge of drawing someone’s original character. I like to see how others have drawn the character and then wrap it in my style. This time I was asked to draw this sexy Otter character for a Patreon request. I’m quite happy with how she came out and I think that the creator is too. Yay! ^_^

If you dig this, then you might be interested in supporting me at my Patreon where you can see rough drawings, sketches and be involved in what drawings will come next.