Sep 17 2017

Sawyer Sitting Pretty

Supporter – Can you draw Sawyer for my request this month?

Me – Yes… yes I can.

I don’t think that’s exactly how the conversation went, but I won’t turn down a chance to draw some Sawyer. I just love drawing her. ^_^

If you dig this, then you might be interested in supporting me at my Patreon where you can see rough drawings, sketches and be involved in what drawings will come next.

Sep 7 2017

Squirrel Girl

Squirrel Girl was the character of choice for last months picture. I very much enjoyed this pic. Maybe because I decided to draw one of my favorite poses. ^_^

*Insert storing nuts for the winter joke here*

If you dig this, then you might be interested in supporting me at my Patreon where you can see rough drawings, sketches and be involved in what drawings will come next.

Aug 16 2017

Tink and Silver

I was free to choose what I wanted to draw with this request. I couldn’t resist drawing a quick Tink and Silver picture. I love pairing up these two. They’re just so cute together. ^_^

If you dig this, then you might be interested in supporting me at my Patreon where you can see rough drawings, sketches and be involved in what drawings will come next.

Aug 8 2017

Little Red and the Red Rocket

I took much pleasure in drawing more Little Red and B. Wolf. I love the relationship they have together. She being the more dominant one and more experienced. I should make a naughty fairy tale with these two. ^_^

If you dig this, then you might be interested in supporting me at my Patreon where you can see rough drawings, sketches and be involved in what drawings will come next.

Jul 24 2017


Time to post up one of the requested pictures from my supporters. This bunny here is Phuerie. A sexy little pin-up bunny if ever I’ve seen one. ^_^

If you dig this, then you might be interested in supporting me at my Patreon where you can see rough drawings, sketches and be involved in what drawings will come next.

Jul 10 2017


This picture started out a fun extra doodle for the Patreon supporters. I was pleased to be given the opportunity to paint her up as a finished piece. I really do like the way this came out. I’m enjoying the more painterly backgrounds I’ve been trying. ^_^

If you dig this, then you might be interested in supporting me at my Patreon where you can see rough drawings, sketches and be involved in what drawings will come next.