To those that still wander by here from time to time, I just want to give an update on my Tink folio. The current state is… I’m on the last image. This should be the final update on it before it goes out which should be in February some time. Once this last image is done all I need to do is go over it and make sure everything is up to snuff.
It’s going to be a total of 20 pictures (10 tinker pics and 10 water pics) with an extra images to help up the kink and fetish levels. As of now I think it’ll be a first run of printed pictures with a digital version to follow shortly. I hope that everyone enjoys it as I know I loved drawing it. ^_^
If anyone has any other questions on it, feel free to ask.
What a great Christmas gift I received the other day. A great fan out there took it upon themselves to 3D-ify my candy cane tink. Not only that, but he’s made it so you can view it on your 3DS (note: having issues getting the 3DS version to work from my site. You can still go to his site and get the .mpo file for your 3DS though)! You can also go to his site and check a neat gif to show you the 3D if you can’t do the magic eye thing.
Thanks Humbird!
Hello and Happy New Year to you all! I hope that you all had a fun and safe holiday season. Mine was safe, but I did spend most of it sick. Not just sick mind you, sick and away from home visiting family. Ugh… but I put on a brave face and pushed though the best I could until I could get home. Then stayed up till midnight on New Years and made it worse. Double UGH! I wasn’t alone in my suffering, Wife was sick with me so I at least had company.
At least I wasn’t sick on Christmas Day. I felt fine on that day, and I’m glad because I was able to enjoy some of the fantastic gifts my wife got me this year. I was truly shocked to find that she ordered a large Jessica Rabbit statue for me. That’s her in the top image. Not the one from the Disney Parks, she said she wanted me to pick that out for myself, but said this one should tie me over until then. Continue on to see the full statue shot I also took.