All Smiles
The other day someone I know said they saw me walking home from the bus stop and said I didn’t look very happy. I didn’t notice them (they drove past me) but I don’t remember being unhappy. I was probably deep in thought of video games and smutty images. It did get me thinking about our “neutral” faces. The ones we have and show the world as we go about our day avoiding talking to others. I would agree with my friend and say I probably looked like someone that was kind of unfriendly. Most of us do. Check it out next time you’re out. I’ve since been making an effort to look at little bit happier as I go about my day. I don’t have a beaming smile, but I am more conscious of the image I’m presenting to others that I pass during my day. I’m only 36, I don’t need to look like a sour puss right now. I’ll have my later years for that. ^_^