Nov 29 2013

Twilight Bum

I’ve got a secret… I likes me Ponies.  I finally couldn’t hold back any more and decided to try my hand… hoof (?) at drawing one.  For a first try, I rather like it. ^_^

Nov 27 2013

Left Over Magic

A few years ago I sold all my Magic the Gathering cards.  I used to play back in high school, but I decided that I no longer needed them so I took them down to the local comic shop.  They gave me $20 for the whole collection.  I’m sure I got hosed, but I didn’t care.  It was now their job to try and sell them.  The other day I was going through boxes and I found a binder with some cards that where left behind.  The cards I owned where old ones. Not old enough to be worth anything.  Not that I’m aware of anyway.  I never did follow what was valued and what wasn’t.

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Nov 26 2013

PNK Monsters

Okay, I don’t know if I’m the only one out there, but those monsters from PNK house in Monsters U were kinda sexy.  I can’t imagine what monster vag might look like.  It might be something I have to look in to… no pun intended.  Anyone else out there agree with me on this one?

Nov 22 2013


So any one out here pony up the dollar bills to buy one of the two most current consoles?  I did not.  I have a Wii U and I’m quite happy with it.  I don’t get a lot of time to play so it doesn’t make sense for me to buy a new fancy system.  Plus, the Wii U plays the games that I like to play.  I also love being able to play my games off tv while Wife watches her shows.  That is fantastic in my books.  Plus I want my kids to grow up with Mario, Zelda and the Nintendo series that I grew up with.  If I did have to choose one though, I think I’d buy a PS4.  How about you?

Nov 21 2013

Games You Never Played… But Should Have

Secret of Mana.  I remember renting it from the local mom and pop store and not really caring for it.  Even though I’d read reviews saying how awesome it was.  I just couldn’t get in to it.  Fast forward to 2013 and I still get people going in to shock when I tell them I didn’t play it nor did I like it.  As of late, I’ve been thinking about giving it another go.  Maybe I’ve grown a little and I can see it for what it is now.  I could go and get it on virtual console… there’s also this great retro game store on the way in to Toronto.  I know they would have it.  I feel like I owe it to myself to try it again.

Any games you couldn’t get in to even though the whole planet love it?

Nov 20 2013

Christmas Tree UP!

So who’s got their tree up?  Anyone… anyone?  We put ours up on the weekend as we watched the Toronto Santa Clause Parade.  I will admit, it does seem a bit early.  But if I put it up at the beginning of Dec, it would feel really quick when I would have to take it down so there’s no winning really.  Well, it’s up now and I’m sure as heck ain’t coming down until after Christmas.  How about you?  When do you put up your tree/Manora or other holiday stuff?

This reminds me… I should start thinking about a holiday pic soon.  o_O